A Mutant

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"What the hell was that?!" Larota asked as Ralph set her on her feet.

"April has powers?" Larota asked curiously.

"April is uh... a mutant," Casey said with a nervous laugh.

"She is what?!" Larota yelled as she stared at April in awe.

"But she looks so human!" Larota said as she poked April's hand.

"Part human part krang... it is a wonder how she looks and acts human but has krang powers," Donnie said as he looked down.

"If it was not for her you would of killed all of us..." Donnie whispered.

"I should have been stronger than that!" Larota whispered before she turned away whispering, "I am going for a walk," before leaving.

"She will be fine come on let us get back to the lair... to check on the others..." Leo said as he frowned... even the thought of hurting Venus haunt him and he could still feel her cold blood on his hands.

The others nodded as they all made their way to the lair.

"Leonardo my son! You are alright! But, April..." Splinter said in joy but in fear as he saw how frail and pale April had become.

The turtles all sat down and explained to Splinter what happened.

"So I see... Shredder saw April use her powers... well there is no doubt in my mind that Shredder won't come after her... if he truly wants an even fight with you all he will need her on his side," Splinter said as he put a warm wrap on her forehead.

"Over my dead body if it was not for April we would all be dead," Ralph said as he leaned against the wall.

"Indeed but I am a threat here as well... who knows how long until Donnie's serum wears off? Then what? I could easily make Donovan attack you all again..." Leo uttered in fear.

"Then we take turns watching over you and April if things go south then at least one of us will be awake to alert the others," Talena smiled.

"Besides he has grown to like us," Mikey laughed as Donovan nudged him.

"I am going to check on Venus," Leo said as he laid April on the couch before walking to the lab which they use as a temporary infirmary.

As Leo walked into the infirmary he was confused to see no one in there as Talena came up behind him and giggled.

"Ah she is well, she is in the dojo meditating," Talena explained as she picked up some bandages and medicine and stored them into the first aid kit.

"Speaking of we are running low on medical supplies wanna help me get some more?" Talena asked as she put the first aid kit up on the shelf next to a jar of cotton balls and a jar of gauze.

"Uh sure but," Leo began as he handed her a dagger, "if I lose control or attack you, do whatever is necessary to defend yourself."

"Leo no I could never hurt you!" Talena exclaimed as she tried to hand him the dagger back.

"Please... the thought of hurting you girls haunts me and I do not want to take any chances," Leo explained.

"Only as a last resort," Talena whispered as she put the dagger in her belt slots.

"Thank you..." Leo whispered as he looked at the bloody gauze in the trash can.

"It was not your fault you know... we had the choice to all take you on, she was the one who made the choice to go alone," Talena explained as she put her hand on his cheek and turned his head away from the trash can.

"I just wish it did not have to result like this," Leo sighed as he and Talena walked over to the shell motorcycles.

Leo swung his leg over and sat in the driver seat as he cranked the motorcycle up. Talena swung her leg over and sat in the seat behind, she put a helmet on that had a 3d map. Leo pushed a button on the handles as a roof formed above them covering them, Leonardo could still see ahead of them as he began to drive through the sewers.

"Go straight for two miles then exit through our passageway," Talena said as she moved her hands around as the map on her helmet began to move around in the direction of her fingers as she looked around for the best route to the pharmacy. When they arrived at the pharmacy Talena hacked the lock as Leonardo stood guard, once they were in they gathered as many supplies as they could and left a decent sum of money on the counter.

"So what is the story behind you girls?" Leo asked as he tied the box of supplies down to the back seat.

"Oh you know it is a really long boring story, I do not wanna make you bored by telling it," Talena answered with a nervous laugh.

"I will not be bored with your answer, or I would not have asked?" Leo answered as he threw his leg over and cranked the motorcycle.

"Oh well uh," Talena stuttered as she threw her leg over and held on, "it is a really long story though..."

"Well I gotta drive a quick patrol if you would like to ride then I will listen, it would nice to have you along on the ride," Leo said with a warm smile.

"Oh uh sure," Talena answered as the roof of the motorcycle covered them, "well..."

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