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"Come back when the real you is back," I commanded as I side kicked Darkness and sent him flying to a building nearby.

I felt the breeze on my back as I stared at my friend as he disappeared into the distance then I hopped back down into the van.

Splinter spoke softly, "you did well my son now how do you think you will defeat Darkness?"

"He was given an order to kill me... and as much as I hate it... if it is a fight to the death he wants," Leo began to explain as he slammed his katana into its case, "then it is a fight to the death."

Everyone was in fear for the leader they once knew... so kind and caring never wanting to use violence was now willing to fight a brother figure to the death...

"Leo this is not like you do not stoop down to his level," Ralph hissed.

"No in this case Leonardo is right," Splinter admitted.

"What?! But Sensei you always tell us to avoid violence and to never bring death to our foes..." Donnie explained.

"In matters like this if Leonardo does not kill this cursed soul he will keep coming back and will keep attempting to kill Leonardo... sadly, in this case, death is the only answer," Splinter sighed as he closed his eyes. He thoughtfully stroked his beard as he thought of how this badly would end.

"You should not do this alone," Mikey said as he spun his nunchucks.

"No if you showed up he could use you all as hostages making it harder for me to kill him," Leo explained in a serious tone... Leo never got serious with Mikey.

"We understand Leo and I am proud that you are willing to stand up against the evil," April said as she smiled warmly to him.

"This fight will not be easy and to train I will have all of you train against me as hard as you can no going easy. Especially you, Ralph, you and Darkness have the same physical strength so you will be the best for me to train with," Leo explained as he stared at his brother.

"Alright just know you are asking to play with fire," Ralph smirked.

"Indeed I am," Leo said as he leaned against the wall of the van pondering on how he could win this battle.

They drove for hours, and then finally arrived at their destination. It was a very secluded place far from the city and a perfect place to train. The gang spent two weeks there training Leonardo and preparing him for his battle against Darkness. Today was the last training day then they would have two resting days before returning to the city. Leo stood in the middle of the group his katanas put away but easy to grab if needed. April silently charged at him from behind but Leo turned around her and threw her into Talena.

"Owie," April whined as she rubbed her head.

"Ow, my poor shell," Talena complained as she pushed April off her.

"Ow! Geez!" April hissed.

Next was Venus, Leo hated training against the girls especially the one he liked but to fight Darkness for him would be like fighting Venus. Venus flicked her fans turning them to the metal as she slowly walked around Leo. Leo stood on guard ready to draw his weapon. Venus got behind him and switched directions confusing Leo making it the perfect time to attack as she attempted to slash him. Leo used his blade to stop the fans from hitting his skin as he kneed her in the gut and threw her into a tree.

"Good job Leo," Venus smiled as she kept her hand on her stomach.

The next test was Ralph... this would prove if Leo could physically stop Darkness... though Splinter was stronger and smarter Darkness was nowhere near as good as him. Ralph was ready he had to fight with a clear mind and have a plan. Ralph took out three ninja stars and threw them catching Leo's attention but little did Leo know they were just a diversion. While Leo was distracted Ralph attacked from behind knocking Leo to the ground. Leo grunted as he tried to get up but Ralph put his foot on his shell and forced him back onto his stomach.

"Come on Leo get up!" April and Talena yelled.

Ralph grabbed one of Leo's katanas that were laying on the ground and pressed it against the back of Leo's neck before lifting it up above his own head.

"Sensei make them stop! Ralph is taking it too far!" Donnie yelled.

"No, he is not he is doing exactly what I said," Splinter answered.

"RALPH IS GOING TO KILL LEO!!!" Mikey yelled as he cried.

As Ralph swung the sword down inches from cutting Leo's neck Leo flipped over and used his katana to block the attack.

"You won't win," Ralph growled.

"Watch me," Leo hissed as he kicked Ralph off and got back to his feet.

Ralph stumbled back a bit but regained his balance and prepared to strike again.

"I will kill you, Leonardo, then your brothers, then your friends, and then your lover," Ralph hissed as he pointed the end of the katana to Leo's neck.

Leo gritted his teeth as he moved the sword away with his hand.

"You will not hurt anyone cause you will die here tonight!"

Ralph waved his hand motioning Leo to attack. Leo strategically ran in an uneven pattern so Ralph could not predict where he would be as he struck Ralph down. Ralph quickly got back on his feet and threw a smoke bomb-making the battle area fill up with smoke. Leo coughed as he covered his mouth fighting to keep his eyes open. Ralph shoved him to the ground from behind. Leo rolled away from where he was and tripped Ralph onto the ground then trapped him in a headlock but had it where he could not move at all.

"You are leaving yourself open you idiot," Ralph hissed.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked.

Ralph gently tapped his elbow into Leo's neck, "you are dead."

"Indeed Ralphael is right Leonardo you need to have your enemy completely immobilized," Splinter explained as he walked to his sons.

"How do I do that?" Leo asked keeping Ralph in the headlock.

"You need have this wrist that is closer to your face behind his back so if he tries to pull it out his arm he hurts himself more and will stop," Splinter explained before saying, "Again."

Ralph and Leo stood up reenacting the same technique except for this time when Leo took Ralph down into a headlock Ralph's arms were behind him as he squirmed to get free he could not.

"How would that kill him though?" April asked.

"Leonardo knows how to but for now we cannot use it on his own brother," Splinter laughed.

"Oh right," April laughed.

The gang all dispersed going to do their own things as Leo stood on the edge of the hill staring at the sun setting.

"Darkness I will free you... just hang in there..."

Darkness was staring at the same sunset from a skyscraper rooftop.

"Leonardo soon we will meet again..."

Book 1 ~ MoonWhere stories live. Discover now