When They Left

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"How could you three not trust me?!" April yelled at all three of the boys.

"Hey! Leave Mikey out of this he had nothing to do with it! Besides if you were not keeping secrets from us during a time like this! Then this would have never happened!" Ralph said with a tint of anger in his voice.

"Well sorry that I am trying my best to make sure you three do not get killed by Leonardo!" April said as she folded her arms as she stared out the window.

"Who was that girl and how did she know us as little kids?" Ralph asked.

Mikey watched the teddy bear that April gave him with slight tears in his eyes. He knew those girls but the others couldn't know that.

"I do not know, I was hoping you two can answer that," April said as she unfolded her arms and looked at Ralph and Donnie.

"I vaguely remember four mutant turtles, much like us but girls. We have not seen them since we were about five though," Donnie explained as thought about it.

"I do not remember a girl named Larota. Master Splinter told me I got my scar from falling while on the skateboard," Ralph said as he stared out the window watching for any sudden movements.

"Well, whatever the case is I am sure you eight met but it has been so long you forgot about each other," April suggested.

"Even then these girls we knew were mutants like us April, how on earth are they human now?" Donnie asked in confusion as he stared at her.

"Well you see... long ago my father was friends with two lovely people, Rose and Oliver. Rose and Oliver had four daughters, my father had two daughters. One day while we were all having fun the krang attacked us. All of us ran but Rose, Oliver, Venus, Talena, Larota, and Amoly were all covered in ooze and the krang.. they shot at my sister and me... My sister being the oldest got in the way and died instantly... a shot straight threw her heart....." April began to explain as tears whelped up in her eyes before going on, "the four daughters turned into turtles, Rose and Oliver turned to rats much like Master Splinter. They went into hiding to protect their daughters but as of lately the ooze made it where they can switch humans to turtles when they please since they were human before turning. Now they stay human most the time but turn turtle when they are in combat since they are stronger in that state."

"Woah..." the boys said in unison before looking at each other then back at her.

"Wait," Donnie paused in confusion before continuing , "what happened to Amoly then?"

April frowned as she looked at Mikey.

"Before we went into hiding Mikey was working with the girls to bring Leo back home..... Amoly and Mikey were on their way back when they were attacked..... only Mikey made it home that night..."

Donnie and Ralph both frowned as they looked at Mikey who was avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah... now get some rest it is getting late," April said as she went upstairs.

She slipped into her short shorts and baggy t-shirt before crawling into bed and falling asleep. Ralph stayed awake since it was his turn to take watch while Donnie and Mikey slept on the couch, Mikey struggled to fall asleep at first but eventually did and Donnie fell asleep peacefully for once. Ralph got a blanket and laid it on his brothers as he sat on the floor leaning against the wall, he was trying to remember the girls. Then he got his wish as a flashback washed over him.


Mikey and Amoly were training, Amoly was standing in her defense stance her weapon was much like Mikey's nunchucks except it had a piece of pink fabric connecting the nunchucks together instead of a chain. Mikey being the goofball he always was, was not in a stance as he threw his nunchuck at her trying to wrap it around her ankle. Amoly swiftly dodged by jumping up in the air and she spun making her weapon knock Mikey to the ground, when she landed she looked at him.

"Sorry, Michaelangelo!" She said as she stood up and went over to help him up.

"It is okay!" Mikey laughed as he got up with her help.

Two unfamiliar people were standing next to Master Splinter, a man mutant wearing a white robe and a different symbol that had never been seen before. It was not the foot clan or Splinters symbol so what was it? The woman next to him had her arms around one of his, her white dress dragged across the ground and the symbol was also on her dress. This must be Rose and Oliver, the ones April mentioned.

"Now Leonardo and Venus," Master Splinter said before tapping his stick on the ground.

Both Leo and Venus stood up, Leo took stance quick as he held his katanas out. Leo pointed one at her before saying, "I will take you down this time, little princess."

"We will see about that," Venus said as she smirked, she lowered to the ground as she took out her weapons which looked like normal fans that had the symbol that both her mother and father wore.

They both held their stances waiting for the other to attack, Venus shifted her foot making Leo think she was about to move, he swung at her but ran under the blade and kicked him down to the ground from behind. Knocking the wind out of him as he fell face first.

"Leonardo you know to not attack until the other opponent did," Master Splinter said in a stern but fatherly tone.

"Maybe next time Leonardo," Venus smirked as she joined Amoly on the other side. Leo growled under his breath as he got up and sat next to Mikey, keeping his head down.

"Donatello and Talena," Master Splinter said before tapping his stick on the ground again.

Donnie and Talena both had bo staffs and instantly took a stance, both trying to logically find a way to defeat the other. Donnie swung first tripping Talena, but she did a back handspring and kicked him back into the wall. Donnie fell to the ground in defeat.

"Very well Talena, I have never seen a ninja take down their opponent with gymnastics," Splinter said.

Talena went and joined her sisters and Donnie rubbed his head as he joined our brothers. Now the last one was Larota and me. We both stood up and took a stance before Master Splinter could command us to. Larota's light orange eyes glistened as she glared at me. I tightened my grip on my sais as she held her kamas up. I charged at her first but she flipped out of the way and landed on one knee she used her other foot to stand up quickly as she was ready for another attack. I growled as I charged at her again, she was not so lucky this time and nor was I. She had her kama lined up against her arm making the blade at her elbow, her kama grazed above my upper lip and my sai grazed her cheek. We let our anger take over as we began to actually fight. Splinter yelled for us to stop but we did not so Oliver came over and took me away as Rose took Larota away. Larota had the cut on her cheek, arm, and leg as she breathed heavily. I was breathing heavy too, I had a cut above my lip, and down my arm and leg. My head began to feel fuzzy before I blacked out completely. I faintly heard Leo screaming, "Raph!!! No!!!!" From that day on we never saw the girls again, Oliver would stop by to check on me and Splinter but eventually, he quit coming and we just went back to our normal lives before the girls ever came.

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