The Battle

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There they stood Leo and Darkness... face to face...

"Where have you been hiding for two weeks, coward?! I searched for you every night!" Darkness yelled.

"Aw did you miss me?" Leo asked with a laugh.

"You will pay for this Leonardo."

"We will see about that Darkness."

Hours Earlier

Leo was standing on a hill the sound of boxes being packed shuffling behind him. Leo was staring at the city that was as big as an apple from where he stood. Leo gasped softly as he felt two small arms wrap around him from behind. Leo put his hand on the arms wrapped around him.

"Leo... I am scared..." a voice softly cried behind Leo hiding their face in his shell.

"Venus... I am right here..."

"But for how long?... You are going to fight Darkness solo..." Venus began before her voice broke, "what if he kills you?"

"No matter what I will fight until my last breath."

"And if you take your last breath in a few hours... How will I be there to tell you I am here and everything is okay?"

"You have to have hope V..."

"I always had hope... hope that we would always be together when we were kids... hope that Larota and Ralph would be okay... hope that I would see you someday... and hope.... that we would have a family..."

(Legends Never Die)

"Hold onto your hopes..."


"Your hopes and support will give me the strength to keep fighting when I am at my weakness."

Venus smiled her cheeks turning rosy as the wind softly blew.

"Now Splinter is giving me an hour to kill Darkness if I have not done so then you all will join the fight," Leo explained as he heard van doors slam shut.

"You probably have to speak with Splinter alone don't you?"

"Yeah... I will see you at the van Venus..." Leo whispered for he was not ready for this battle.

Venus slowly pulled her arms away and walked away as she did Splinter walked towards Leo.

"Are you ready to depart son?"

"Father... if this mission goes south..."

"I give you an hour to kill him and if that is not done then you do as I told you before."

"Father... that would kill me... you know that right?"

"I know my son... which is why I only trust you with this task..."

"You are willing to kill me for this?"

"My son, do not take this the wrong way. It is a great honor to die for the safety of your family."

"If I die... I would be leaving Venus here alone..."

"Then she would probably not live long after your death."

"She wanted a family... I cannot take that from her."

"Then it seems you have something to fight for."

(They become a part of you)

Splinter turned and walked towards the van. Leo sighed as he went to a motorcycle and crank it and drove off before anyone could stop him.

"Leo!" Venus yelled as Larota and Ralph held her back.

"Let me go!" Venus screamed but when she got free Leo was far gone... not insight.

"Leo..." Venus cried softly.

With that, the gang all climbed into the van and made their way back to the city. Since Leonardo was on a motorcycle he could go in areas the van could not and made it to the city in 4 hours. Leo climbed up the nearest rooftop. That is where he saw Darkness standing tall against the night sky.

***Warning this section contains graphic content that may not be suitable for certain readers***

"This ends now Leonardo."

"Indeed Darkness."

Leo stood in a stance no weapons drawn.

(Can you hear them screaming out your name)

"You will get yourself killed Leonardo," Darkness warned as he grabbed his two katanas much like Leo's.

"If I die I am taking you with me," Leo warned as his mask blew in the wind.

Darkness growled and charged at Leo. Darkness jumped in the air and swung his sword down to slash Leo. Leo had his swords out in seconds and blocked the attack throwing Darkness into a wall.

"You have been training I see," Darkness wickedly smiled.

"You have not," Leo said bluntly as he prepared for another attack.

Darkness strategically moved in an uneven pattern and knocked Leo onto his shell. Leo held his katanas with a firm grip keeping Darkness's katanas inches away from his face. Leo shifted his hand making Darkness fall beside him as he rolled away and back up onto his feet.

"Nice trick," Darkness growled in frustration.

Darkness got to his feet and threw three ninja stars at Leo. Leo used his katana to protect himself but little did he know Darkness was not targeting him. When Leo's focus returned to Darkness Leo felt pain surge from his stomach when he looked down Darkness had a katana stabbed through his stomach.

(Relentless you survive)

"I warned ya didn't I?" Darkness smirked.

Leo looked at Darkness as a flash back flooded his mind.

Leo was standing outside with Splinter it was about midnight and the others had gone to bed.

"Sensei I won't be able to hurt Darkness..."

"I know my son you will be wounded in battle and when he is closes enough and stabs you," Splinter paused as he handed Leo a dagger, "stab this through his neck... it's all you can do if not he will kill you and you will lose everything."

Leo stared at the dagger it was beautiful, sharp silver blade, red handle with gold accents much like his katanas.

"I won't let you down Sensei," Leo said as he bowed to his father.

(Ledgens never die)

"I hope so I do not want to attend another funeral ever."

Leo laughed, "I will make sure that never happens father!"

Splinter chuckled as he smiled at his sons detemination.

Leo snapped back into focus the pain in his stomach was unbearable but Leo had him where he wanted him...

"Darkness... I am sorry..."

Darkness's eyes widen as he tried to pull away but Leo had his grip firm on his wrist. Leo reached down and wrapped his fingers around the dagger. Leo felt as if time had slowed down as he dreaded this long painful time... Leo lifted his arm up and swiftly stabbed the dagger into Darkness's neck. Pain surged into Darkness's eyes as blood gushed out of his fresh wound and trickled down the side of his neck. Darkness tried to speak but his words were muffled as he choked on his own blood. Leo pulled away from Darkness as he watched what he had done... Darkness fell to his knees grabbing at his neck desperately trying to breathe but after coughing up some blood dripped down the side of his lip as his body fell to the side and went ice cold, his eyes as grey like a fog.

(When the world is calling out your name... begging for you to fight...)

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