Sensei is Alive

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Leo's point of view

I woke up early that morning... My head still fuzzy but I cannot stand being on bed rest. Instead, I stood in front of the window as I felt the warm morning sunshine against my face. Then I felt a whiplash of cold air. Someone had entered my room... I spun around on guard and I saw Karai in front of me with her sword out.

Karai smiled at me before saying, "glad you still know when you're under attack."

I nodded softly understanding what she said by reading her lips as she frowned putting in the new hearing aids she got for me. After my brothers left me to die I lost my hearing to the explosions.

"You gotta be careful when training you know these are fragile." Karai sighed.

"I know I'm sorry, but I should train without them so if they do get damaged I'm not at a disadvantage," I replied as she nodded and then we went on our ways.

I had not gone to the prisoners cells at all my entire time being here. Karai and Shredder both forbidden it but I was curious as I felt a warm breath blow against my back as I turned around to my dragon.


I was shocked to see him out of his slumber as he breathed very disapprovingly as if he knew my intentions.

"I have to know.... I can't stand secrets you know that...."

Donovan sighed a warm breath as he went back to his room and I continued walking through Shredders empire making my way to the prisoners cells.

** Mikey's Point of View **

Now it is time for me to face Leo... Remember what the foot has done to Amoly and her family is all the motivation I need to finish my original mission.

"Mikey no!" Donnie yelled to me.

"Little bro that is suicide!" Ralph yelled. Heh, Ralph never calls me little bro until he is worried.

"Mikey, please... I know you loved Amoly but vengeance is not the answer," April said to me with a calm but hurt voice.

She was right vengeance is not the way to go, and I am not going for vengeance. I Michaelangelo am returning to my original mission to finish it once and for all.

To defeat Shredder and Leo.

I then got up and said, "it was my mission to kill Leo and Shredder, I failed once I won't let it happen again."

With that, I was gone and out on the rooftops, I heard Donnie and Ralph following me so I took a long windy way back. I soon lost them and got Venus's office. I saw her sitting, her elbows resting on the table, her hands cupped her face. She even let her beautiful brown hair down out of its braid. She had a picture of her, Amoly, Talena, and Larota with their mom and dad who went missing years ago. Their body was never found... This company was their mothers and fathers they soon took ownership when their parents went missing, even though they were only thirteen at the time of the incident they couldn't let the company fall into the wrong hands.

I knew I couldn't bug her, she was grieving and I was the reason for her sister's death... so I quietly left I heard Venus say, "hello?"

But I quickly but quietly ran up to the rooftops, I noticed Donnie and Ralph caught up to me so I took the longest, windiest, dangerous way to Shredder's empire. This time I lost then completely, good I almost lost myself during that. If I came out of this alive then I would take them home if they were still lost but Donnie is smart he will find the way.

I got to the roof of the empire as I found an empty storage room I could get easy access to. I got into the room and hid among the boxes, I was in now there was no going back. I felt myself starting getting nervous and wanting to go to Leo, Ralph, or Donnie. But no I couldn't I was on my own and Leo was the enemy. I made my way through the empire and I somehow found my way into the basement. This is where they keep the cells for the prisoners. I looked around and soon I saw Sensei and the girls' parents. What were they doing here?! Better yet did Leo know father was not dead?? Well not yet at least, father looked horrible. He had a cut across his face much like mine but with one, not three, he had a deep gash on his arm and leg. The girls' mom was perfectly fine just dirty and seemed to be not getting enough to eat, but she had a few small cuts and bruises. Their father was also dirty and had a few deep cuts but not deadly, he seemed like he wasn't eating enough either. They must have been giving Sensei their food so he can heal. I went over to their cell quietly and Sensei sat up concerned.

"Michaelangelo," he whispered trying hard to not cry.

"Sensei..." I quietly said as I knelt down to him in front only the bars standing between us.

I felt him put his hand on my cheek as a tear slipped down his cheek, "where are your brothers?" he asked me.

"Ralph and Donnie have been living with April, Leo has been working for Shredder and I have been working for their daughters," I explained to him.

The other two must have heard me as they came over and whispered, "are they okay? How are they?"

I answered, "Venus took over the company and made it a powerful one, Talena has been taking care of the technical side of it, Larota has been the one who deals with the company shares and other comrades. Amoly... she was the person who took care of the visitors."

"Was?" they all asked in unison.

I felt tears slipping down my cheeks before saying, "yes... she died under my watch! It was my fault! I should have told her to run! But she stayed and fought with no weapon and I saw her slip off the building..."

The mother and father's hearts dropped as they stared at me. Sensei put his arms through and hugged me.

"That was not your fault, I am sure Amoly realized she had no weapons and she knew if she ran that would be leaving you alone to fight all of them, she did what she thought was right and I am sure she does not want you blaming yourself for her actions," Sensei said to me.

His words comforted me but I heard someone coming in, I stood up and looked behind me... then I heard.

"Hello little brother"

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