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Leonardo's blade stopped inches from Talena's delicate face. Talena's scream still echoing, her eyes closed tight.

"What?! What is the meaning of this?!" Leo yelled in a dark tone as he struggled to move.

Leo's voice went soft and sounded like he was straining, "Talena... Run!"

Talena opened her eyes, she couldn't move out of fear as tears slipping down her cheeks. Then a familiar pink ribbon wrapped around her waist and pulled her up onto a rooftop.

"Why would you let her run?! She attacked us!!" Leo said in a dark irradiated tone.

"Because... she is my friend, she attacked to stop you from killing that girl, I never draw blood in battle not unless necessary... she was armed yes but she had a small dagger compared to my two katanas..." Leo said as he kept holding himself back.

"You are going to end up getting yourself killed one day," Leo said in a dark tone as he put his sword away.

"But I guess if I want to live and be able to move I have to agree to somewhat of your terms or you will just hold me back," Leo said in a dark tone as he looked at the ground and put his hands on his hips.

"Yeah you do cause guess what, lay a hand on Venus or her sisters and I will end my own life which means killing you too bud," Leo said in a soft but serious tone.

"Tsk who is this Venus girl your lover?" Leo asked in a dark but smirky tone.

"It is frankly none of your business," Leo said as he tried to hide it.

"I saw how you reacted when you stabbed her earlier, you like her and I do not blame her shes got a nice body even if she was human before becoming a mutant," Leo said in a dark smirk.

"Hey you touch her and you are dead," Leo said in an angry tone.

"Whatever now we need to make some rules or we are just going to keep getting in each other's ways," Leo said in a dark serious tone as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arm. He closed his eyes and went back into his mind where he and Leo could talk to each other face to face.

So what are the terms and conditions? the darkness questioned.

Well, first of all, I want to know why you are in me and if anyone else has someone like you, Leo said as he crossed his arms.

Well I guess you deserve to know, well, first of all, I am indeed the last of my kind... so no your brothers do not have something like me surprisingly yes Ralph does not have one I went into him for a second but left as soon as I could, second of all I am a shadow or also called a cursed soul... back long before any of you were born I was a man in the royal army we were assigned to protect a royal family but one unfaithful night I was murdered in front of the princess... yes I gave my life to protect her but she ended up dying as she held my dying body. My death was slow and painful... hers was quick thus since she died before me I was cursed... I had broken my loyalty to her... there were hundreds of us but we can only merge with certain beings like I can be with you and your brother Raphael but I can not go anywhere near April or the girls... but jumping between bodies takes a piece of me until there is none of me left... when I am merged I take the form of their body but I make their eyes change to solid black... I have yet learned how to control that, the darkness spoke as he looked away.

So why me? Why did you choose to stay with me? Leo asked as he watched the darkness.

You were the only one I like, Michaelangelo is too crazy and clumsy he would get me killed instantly, Donatello's mind never stops moving and gives me a headache after a while, Raphael well his was dark and painful, his anger will him get him killed one day, the darkness said as he looked at Leo.

I see... I guess that would make sense when you put it like that, Leo said as he shrugged it off.

So as I said before I like living to so tell me the terms so you do not kill both of us, the darkness said as he crossed his arms.

Well, first of all, tell me before you take control, Leo said slightly annoyed.

Got it but what if we are in a battle and you are about to die? the darkness questioned.

I will tell you when you can, sometimes I live life on the edge and take chances, Leo said.

Fair enough... darkness sighed.

Now when I am with Venus do nothing to her you hear, Leo said as he glared.

No touching beauty got it, darkness smirked.

And above all no killing especially loved ones, Leo said as he put his arms down.

Fine but seriously go get some food I am starving! darkness complained.

Ugh now you sound like Mikey, Leo laughed.

Leo opened his eyes and they were back to their crystal blue.

"Hey darkness one more thing," Leo said.

Yes, Leo? darkness asked.

"Learn how to control those eyes soon please do not need people freaking out," Leo said as he began to head in the direction Talena ran in.

I will learn as soon as I get can and when I get food, darkness complained.

Leo continued walking looking for Talena who was hugging a face he hadn't seen in a long while.

"Amoly??" Leo said as his crystal blue eyes glistened in the moonlight.

"Leo!" Amoly giggled, "glad it's you and not that monster that tried killing Talena!"

Monster?! darkness yelled.

"Yeah, he did not like being called that," Leo laughed nervously, "but how are you alive? Mikey saw you fall off that building."

"I landed on a pile of garbage! I spent a couple days in the hospital and physical therapy I came to find you all as soon as I could. I saw your motorcycle and followed it!" Amoly giggled as she wiggled out of Talena's death hug.

Talena went back to what Leo previously said and she asked, "you can hear him?"

"Yeah he is a cursed soul that is stuck with me, sorry about his temper earlier," Leo said as he smiled.

"Will he attack the others?" Talena asked nervously.

Leo's eyes went solid black as he spoke in a deep tone, "no... Leonardo and I have set some ground rules, really I did not know who you were all I knew was you attacked us and if Leonardo dies, I die so that is why I got defensive."

"Ohhh so interesting it is like two souls in one! That would make sense then if Leonardo was to die you would not have enough time or strength to switch to another host," Talena said in amazement.

"Indeed..." Leo said in a dark tone before his eyes went back to crystal blue.

"Speaking of he is going to rest come let us get the medical supplies back home," Leo said as he stood and helped her to her feet.

"Okay! Maybe one day I can ask him more questions," Talena said as she and Leo walked back to the motorcycle Amoly following them and they headed home.

"Also do not tell anyone else this you two... If we tell them darkness has the chance to accidentally lose his temper or control then the others will fear me all the time," Leo said before they went in.

"I understand if it was not for the fact I talked to him myself I probably would be scared too," Talena said with a smile.

"Thanks for understanding," Leo said with a smile as they headed in.

As they walked in Amoly was immediately hugged by everyone them all asking how she is alive as they all pulled away Amoly saw Mikey in front of her. His eyes were full of tears as he was in disbelief she held her arms out as he ran to her and hugged her tears streaming down his cheeks as she patted his head softly.

"I'm home..."

Book 1 ~ MoonWhere stories live. Discover now