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Mikey quickly turned around and saw Leo. Fear stroke Mikey's eyes when he saw Leo just standing there.

"Leo..." Mikey hissed.

Leo walked closer to Mikey then saw master Splinter behind him. Leo was shocked at first but then shook his head and growled, he was obviously mad now.

"I know this is some kind of trick, using a fake Master Splinter to make me come back, well guess what I remember you all leaving me to die! I will never come back!" Leo yelled as anger surged through his body and he began to reach for his katana.

"Leonardo... it really is me... please stop this madness and come back home..." Splinter said as loud as he could before he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he then clutched his chest as Rose ran over to see what was wrong.

Leo wanted to run to help but held himself back as for he was still determined that this was a fake Splinter. Leo glared back at Mikey. Oliver was watching the two boys as he picked at the lock.

Mikey backed up against the cell before saying, "I don't want to fight you Leo..."

"But I wanna fight you," Leo said as he pulled his katana out this time and began to chase around the room, trying to stab Mikey.

Mikey ran and jumped backwards flipping over Leo, Leo turned around and went to slash Mikey but Mikey flipped out of the way again and Leo ended up breaking the lock off of Splinter, Rose, and Oliver's cell. Rose and Oliver joined to protect Mikey.

"Leonardo please stop this!" Rose pleaded as she took out her fans.

"Leonardo you have to remember us and believe us that we are real!" Oliver yelled as he pulled out his katana.

Both Oliver and Rose's weapons were resting against the wall that Mikey was against, Mikey was scared as for he knew he was always weaker than Leo.

"Leo please! We did not know and could not help you! You told us to run! We followed your orders!" Mikey yelled as he reluctantly took out his nunchucks.

"You are all lying!" Leo yelled.

Karai heard all the yelling and ran to find Shredder and her guards.

April and the others had finally got to the fight. Ralph, Donnie, Casey, Larota, Talena, and Venus were on the other side so Leo was completely surrounded.

Leo looked at everyone and saw everyone was accounted for and when he laid his eyes on Venus many flashbacks flooded his head.


"Leo!" a little Venus said as she hugged Leo giggling.

"You look so pretty!" a little Venus giggled as she held up a mirror showing Leo who is wearing bright pink eyeshadow, and blue lipstick.

"Leo I am scared..." a little Venus said as she hugged Leo's arm while they walked down the dark tunnel.

"Heads up!" Venus yelled as Leo ducked, the frisbee hitting the wall behind him. Venus laughed and Leo smiled.

Leo was laying on the couch and Venus snuggled up to him and fell asleep and he smiled.

Leo was holding unconscious Ralph and looked back at Venus and Larota in tears.

Venus said softly, "I am so sorry..."

After that Leo never saw her again... he was furious at first with her but then began to mourn for her, wishing he could feel her soft warm hand against his again. Or even her soft lips pressed against his.

End of Flashback

"V-Venus..." Leo studdered as he froze, he wanted to hug her and ask her where had she been for all these years, but he was scared of making her think he was going to attack her.

Then that's when they heard foot steps.... the foot clan surrounded the gang and took them all out and hand cuffed them.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Leo yelled as he tried to stop them but he was shoved to the ground by three of the soldiers.

Karai went over and stabbed something in Leo's neck that was small, sharp, and painful.

"Just go to sleep and everything will be okay," Karai whispered.

"Leo no!" Venus yelled but Karai kicked her in the arm, almost breaking it.

"Venus.... no....." Leo said as he tried to reach for them but he felt his body go numb. Then Leo's head began to feel fuzzy as he fainted.

Karai ordered the foot soldiers to cage up all the prisoners as she picked up Venus's head.

"He will be mine," Karai hissed as she shoved Venus to the ground.

Venus tried to get up and fight the guards but they threw her into a cell.

Karai went to Leo and took him back to his room and tucked him in to let him rest.

"You will be mine," Karai whispered as she turned the light off in the room and softly closed the doors.

A couple days passed and Leo slowly woke up to bright sunlight blinding him.

"Ugh," Leo groaned as he sat up and swung the blankets off himself.

Leo got up and started training with the foot like he normally did, Leo was standing on guard as he paced around the foot soldier, the soldier was on guard as he attacked Leo when Leo had his back turned. Leo dodged by bending down, and then kicked the soldiers feet knocking them to the ground.

Karai walked into the room smiling then he had his daily lunch with her.

"So how are you feeling?" Karai asked as she played with the tomato in her plate.

"Better heh I am surprised I almost joined that wretched family who left me," Leo said as he hissed at the thought.

"In deed you almost fell into Mikey's trap," Karai said as she smiled.

"I will never let that happen again," Leo said as he got up and went back to his training.

Karai snuck down into the cells and threw bowls of food and water onto the ground.

"You all will die down here."

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