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"Well... we do not remember much, April remembers us when we were human and she told us of our past," Talena explained as she looked down.

"Ah, I think I remember the others telling me this story," Leo said as he kept driving.

While driving smoke surrounded the motorcycle, covering the outside and filling the inside. Leonardo skid to a stop as he opened the motorcycle up, coughing. Talena got out and coughed as she fell to her knees. Leonardo looked around as they were surrounded by foot soldiers.

"Talena... run," Leo breathed but as he turned to her he noticed she was gone.

"Talena?! What did you all do to her!" Leo yelled as anger filled his body.

"Relax Leo she is safe," a mysterious girl giggled as she walked up to him.

"Men leave me and the prisoners alone," she demanded as she looked at her foot soldiers.

"Yes Ma'am," the soldiers said as they walked away leaving Talena, Leo, and her alone.

"What is your plan?" Leo questioned in annoyance.

"My plan is to tell you what you are," she shrugged as she sat on the motorcycle watching Talena and me. Talena looked confused by her words.

"Has Karai not told either of you yet?" She hummed as we both shook our heads.

"Have you ever felt like you were trapped Leo? Something or rather someone else controlling your body?"

"Yes..." Leo whispered.

"You have another soul in you it can take control at any moment and it can kill all your friends." She smirked.

Leo looked away, "yes it is hard to control... I do have the fear of one day losing it but I can not let that hold me back... I can not let it stop me... I can not let it change who I am... I can not let it affect my actions from this point of time to the future. I am Leonardo Yoshi and I will love and protect my family until my dying breath," Leo said as he looked back up at the girl, determination in his eyes.

"Very well then do not say I did not warn you," she said as her hand slipped down to her thigh and she gripped onto a dagger.

"Do not do this! I am not your enemy!" Leo yelled as he took a defensive stance.

"You are the enemy Leonardo! I warned you but you betrayed Shredder all I wanted was to warn you before I destroyed you!" She yelled as she began to attack Leo.

Leo jumped back and she plunged to where he was, blade first. She kept slashing at him, Leonardo was swift and light on his feet passing by her and avoiding her blade. Talena watched as she tried to find an opening.

My turn

A voice said in Leo's head before Leonardo could question who it was eyes went from crystal blue to solid black, he grabbed the girl's wrist and rolled so he was on top, he jumped back and landed on his feet. She smirked as she jumped to her feet.

"Impressive you let the Dark Leo out," she laughed.

Wait you are the one she was talking about?! Leo screamed in his head.

Guess what bud if you die, I die and I am not going anywhere! a dark voice said as he emerged out of the shadows.

He looked identical to Leonardo but instead of blue eyes and mask he had pure black eyes and mask.

Who are you?! Leo demanded.

I am you, just the side of you that you sealed away, you have always feared me Leonardo but there have been several times I saved your ass cause guess what! I like living! The darkness yelled as he glared at Leonardo.

You have no right to control me give me back in control! Leo demanded.

You would be dead if it was not for me, I will let you have control when I am done! The darkness yelled before vanishing.

Hey! Come back! Do not leave! Leo yelled.

"Alright cutie let us dance," Leo said with an evil smirk.

"Very well then," she said as she got into a stance.

She ran towards him and went to elbow him but her forearm met Leo's, she went to kick him back but her leg met his. She went for a punch but Leo grabbed her fist.

"Grrrr," she growled as she tried to push her hand forward.

Leo ended up pushing her hand back, punched her in the stomach and threw her into a concrete wall. She tried to sit up but fell back down.

"I am not done with you yet," Leo said as he grabbed her and forced her to her feet, "again!"

She tried to punch him but he slid to the side as she almost fell toward where he was. Leo punched her in the side, he heard a crack from breaking one of her ribs. She winced in pain as she went for another punch but Leo forced her onto her back as he elbowed her stomach and threw her into the ground.

"Leo stop!" Talena yelled as she whacked him with her stick.

Oh no... Talena run!!!

Leo slowly turned around, he stared into Talena's orange eyes as she stared into his black lifeless eyes. Talena quivered in fear as she backed away. Leo grabbed his katana.

"Prepare to die!!!" Leo yelled as he swung his katana down as Talena's scream echoed in his ears.

Book 1 ~ MoonWhere stories live. Discover now