Let Her Go

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The moon glistened above as everyone met up on April's rooftop.

"Okay so here is what we know," Donnie started before pointing to his flow chart, "Leo first saved us turtles then went back and saved our parents... now knowing Shredder Leonardo will most likely be in the cells or in his room brainwashed again... whichever one he did we do not have much time before Leo will be too far gone for us to save..." Donnie said finishing his flow chart.

"So we split up, the girls go to his room and the boys go to the cells,"  April suggested as she crossed her arms and looked up at the moon, her eyes glistening in the moon light.

"What will we do if we are too late?" Venus asked, worry rising in her voice.

"Well we have two doses of a medicine that can undo a mind control, but we only have two and it will take months before we can make more," Talena said as she held two tiny containers of a weird yellowish orange glowing substance.

"So basically do not waste it," Larota hissed as she looked at her sister.

"Precisely," Donnie hissed back as he glared at Larota.

Larota growled under her breath as she reached for her kamas.

"Dear sister... your anger will be your down fall," Talena said as she stood infront of her enraged sister.

"Whatever, let us just get this mission done and over with," Larota growled as she shoved past her little sister.

"Well let us go with April's plan then, and girls here are t phones, if there is any trouble call us," Ralph said as he handed t phones to each one of the girls.

Once everyone was geared up they all stood on the edge of the roof, the moonlight glistening against their skin, their masks and hair blowing softly into the wind. The turtles eyes white as snow, as they watched the lights go out one by one in Shredders empire. The girls all grabbed their grappling hooks and aimed for the roof top of the empire. The boys quietly jumped down to the streets and vanished into the shadows of the allies. Soon the boys took out the foot bots guarding the front door and snuck into the empire, all the girls grappled to the roof as they slipped in through the door that was unguarded.

"Something is not right," Venus whispered, "it was too easy to slip in."

"Maybe the guards are somewhere else," Larota whispered.

"Maybe they caught the boys," Talena whispered in fear.

"Whatever it is I have a really bad feeling," April whispered as she lead them to Leonardo's room.

The boys continued their way down to the basement but as they entered one room that was across from the dungeons they heard two figures enter the room.
Shredder and Karai....

Ralph put his finger on his lips to motion his brothers to remain silent. Donnie nodded as he grabbed a throwing star and aimed for Shredders eye.

"Karai the cowards are here, we must destroy them," Shredder said in a low dark tone.

"Yes father," Karai hissed as she pulled out her dagger.

Leo slowly walked down the long hallway, dragging his katanas across the ground behind him. The metal clanking with every step. Leo halted and looked up at the girls, his black mask matching his pure black eyes.

"We were too late..." Venus whispered as she slowly drawn her tessen.

"Leo is gone..." Talena whispered in fear as she spun her bo-staff.

Leo laughed evily, "Oh Shredder will love knowing we caught all of you."

Then the ground shook, the girls all gasped as they saw Leonardo's dragon walk up to them.

"Donovan capture them alive!" Leo commanded as he raised his sword and pointed at the girls.

"April run!" Larota said as she pulled her back and pulled her kamas out taking defense.

Mikey hit the ground hard as Karai towered over him, her pure black eyes glistening.

"She is being mind control! She is not feeling any pain from our attacks!" Donnie yelled in panic.

"Well find a way to fix it Don! Mikey I am coming!" Ralph yelled as he charged at Karai but only to end up being thrown into a wall.

"Ralph the antidote! Hold her down if you two can!" Donnie said as he put the antidote into a syringe.

"On it!" Mikey said as he tied his chain around Karai.

Ralph then ran over and held her to the ground before saying, "hurry Don! I do not know how much longer I can hold her!" Ralph yelled.

Donnie ran over but Shredder shoved him out of the way, "leave my daughter alone!" Shredder yelled.

"Never!" Mikey said as he attacked Shredder but then ran away from Shredder.

Donnie quickly put the antidote into Karai's blood as Karai screamed then her eyes went normal.

"Guys?" Karai questioned weakly.

The girls were all running from Leo's dragon.

"Someone has to put the antidote into Leo's blood!" April yelled as they continued to run.

"Hand it to me I will do it! You girls protect April!" Venus said.

April and the others agreed without question as April handed Venus the antidote. Venus jumped up and back flipped over the dragon landing on the ground gracefully. Venus ran back to Leo and paused as she saw his back to her. She saw him standing by the window.

"Leo... come back home to us..." Venus said softly.

"Venus? Is that you?" Leo asked without looking at her.

"Yes Leo it is me," Venus said as she moved towards him.

"I would like to go home," Leo said with a wicked smirk before he turned around a secret dagger hidden behind his back.

"Then come with us, we can be happy," Venus said as she got the antidote ready in her hand.

Then when they were both in reaching grasp Venus hugged Leo and stabbed the antidote into his neck putting it into his blood. Venus gasped and breathed heavily as she felt a sharp pain in her side.

"Venus..." Leo whispered as his eyes returned to normal.

Leo felt something cold and wet touched his hand, he froze in fear as he saw Venus's face fo pale with a weak smile. He hesitantly looked down and saw blood covering his hand... blood that was not his...

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