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"We have to get out of here," Venus said as she punched one of the bars, bruising her hand but she did not care cause at the moment she just wanted to free her family.

"Cut it out or you will hurt yourself..." Larota said as she leaned against the wall a knife twiddling between her fingers, not leaving a scratch nor a cut.

"He remembered Venus... He laid down his weapon for her... but why?" Talena said as she pondered on the thought leaning her head against the cold stone brick wall.

"Venus and Leo were close... maybe seeing her brought his memories back..." Rose said as she stared at the bars trying to think of a way out as she touched the cold black steel bars.

"That Karai girl is using a special serum to... alter Leo's memories... if we want a fighting chance we have to get that serum and destroy it," Oliver said as he stood up in confidence as his broad hands gripped around the dark steel bars.

Venus looked up at the ceiling as she was going to think about the good times she had with Leonardo but then she saw a small gaping hole in the ceiling of the cell. Venus stared at it trying to see if the hole was big enough for their escape plan and if anyone could fit through it.

"Talena you are small enough squeeze through that hole, Larota since you are stronger help her up," Venus said as she backed away from the hole so the girls could do what they needed to do.

Larota walked over and cuffed her hands as she looked at Talena motioning for her to go. Talena walked over to put one foot in her cuffed hands, and place her other hand on her shoulder. Together they pushed Talena up to the gaping hole and Talena climbed through it when she was on the other side she quietly hopped down, then she hid looking to see if there were any guards. Once the close was clear she went to the door and took out the two bobby pins holding her hair up. Her long raven black hair fell as she began to lock pick the girls' door.  Then she quietly ran over and lock picked the boys' door.

"Mom Dad we are going to get you out," Venus whispered as she put her arms through the bars and held their hands.

"No... go get Leonardo... save him! You are the only one who can do this!" Rose said as she gave Venus her necklace.

A tear slipped down Venus's cheek as she took the necklace. She ran over to the girls and boys.

"We do not have much time, come on!" Venus said as she led the gang through the empire.

They remained in the shadows as they moved through the empire. They finally got to Leo's room and saw him. Leo was staring out the window down at the people bustling on the streets. Venus quietly closed the door as Talena made a barrier so no calls could be made in or out. Larota made it where no one could leave or enter the room. Venus slowly approached Leo.

"Leo..." Venus whispered.

Leo spun around and pulled his katanas out, slashing Venus's arm... deep.

"Venus!" Talena yelled as she ran over to Venus.

"N-Ngh... I am fine..." Venus hissed, tears whelped in her eyes as she looked at Leo.

"Venus..." Leo turned back around and put his katanas away.

"Go... take Sensei, your mother and father too... leave while you still can..." Leo hissed.

"We are not leaving without you!" Venus yelled.

"Yes, you are," Leo said as he called a name the others did not know... "Donovan!"

A blue dragon slowly came out as he growled.

The gang all backed away as fear surged through their bodies

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The gang all backed away as fear surged through their bodies.

"Donovan, attack!" Leo commanded.

Donovan turned towards them and roared, the gang retreated and remained in the shadows as they snuck back into the basement cell rooms. They got to the cell their parents were in... but they were gone.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!" Venus yelled as she fell to her knees crying.

Guards heard the scream and began to run towards them.

"Venus we have to go!" Larota yelled as she and the others pulled her up and they all ran for their lives and met back up at the empire the girls live in.

"Where could have they took them?" Donnie asked everyone.

"They are probably going to execute them..." Ralph said with his eyes closed.

"Do not say that!" Mikey yelled.

"What? Can't handle the truth then you should not be in the conversation!" Ralph yelled back.

"Cut it out both of you," April said as she glared at both of them before continuing, "I know Leo would not let anything happen to them."

Leo was standing in a meeting with Shredder and Karai.

"I say we execute them, teach those turtles a lesson," Karai said as she smirked.

"I agree," Leo said with his hands behind his back.

"Very well then Leonardo you have the honor of executing Oliver, Rose, and Hamato Yoshi," Shredder said before continuing, "dismissed."

Karai left and so did Leo. Karai hugged Leo, before saying, "you are so amazing! You are so strong to be able to face the people who left you to die."

"Heh thanks, Karai," Leo said with a smile.

After Leo was alone he went to the cell prison and unhand cuffed Oliver, Rose, and Splinter.

"Go now... there is a door at the end of the hallway that escapes this empire... now go quickly!" Leo said as he quietly opened the door.

Sensei hugged his son in fear that this would be the last time he would see him. Oliver and Rose thanked him and wished him the best of luck as they all escaped. Leo heard a low dark growl behind him. He slowly turned around and his eyes locked with the one who ushered the growl.

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