The Date

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Living with darkness for the next few months was kind of nice, he mostly stayed quiet and rested. He likes to talk a lot at night and he is a good listener. If it was not for the fact I know he is atleast over a hundred years old I would say he is a really wise man. Darkness has also answered all of Talena's questions that she had. Even when Venus and I go on dates he stays away unless I ask him for advice.

"Soooo we still on for our plans tonight?" Venus giggled as she hugged my arm.

"Yeah we are," I laughed.

See ya tonight bud, darkness said as he disappeared for the rest of the day.

"Wanna go at five?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah sounds perfect!" Venus smiled as she let my arm go but held my hand, "at five then."

"Yeah," I smiled feeling my cheeks turn rosey.

"Okay~" Venus said as she let my hand go and went with her sisters to spend time with them for a bit.

"Oooo~ someone is in love," Mikey teased as he elbowed me.

"Oh hush how are you and Amoly?" I asked.

When Mikey blushed I elbowed him playfully.

"Ooooo," I teased.

"Cut it out bro! Amoly just came back... now isn't the time..." Mikey complained as he pouted.

"Heh I am just teasing little bro, but I understand," I explained.

"I am going to nap before I go out with Venus," I said as I went to my room.

"Okay bro!" Mikey yelled back to me.

I laid on my bed as I set an alarm for four o'clock, I felt my eyes get heavy as I fell into a slumber.

So this is where you rest? I asked.

Yeah pretty boring but I want you to live your life to the fullest... darkness explained.

Heh thanks but I wanted to talk to you about something, I started.

Is it about what we talked about last time? darkness asked.

Yeah I wanna ask Venus out for real this time, I said as I sat up.

Well then you can not chicken out again, darkness said as he sat up.

But how do I not? I asked.

I will stick with you and if you start freaking out or over thinking then I will calm you down, I got you bro, darkness said as he playfully punched me in the shoulder.

Thanks bro, heh thanks for listening to me all the time, I said with a smile.

No problem that is what I do best, darkness said with a laugh.

Then we heard my alarm going off.

Go get her bro, darkness smiled as he disappeared.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I got up, I made sure my tphone was charged and that I had the bouquet and the box with the necklace I would give her when I asked her if she would be mine.

"Okay, I can do this," I whispered to myself.

With that I went downstairs and went to where Venus was.

"Ready?" she giggled as she skipped to me.

"Yes and these are for you," I told her as I handed her the bouquet of lily's and lavenders.

"Aw Leo they are beautiful," Venus smiled as her cheeks turned rosy.

"Leo and Venus sitting in a tree!" Mikey and Amoly sang.

"Shut up!" Venus and Leo yelled as they faced back to each other and smiled.

Leo grabbed her hand gently and lead her to their date. The went to an abandoned park and played on the playground for a bit both giggling. Leo smiled as he stared into her eyes.

"Venus I wanna ask you something..." Leo began.

"What is it Leo?" Venus asked as she looked at him curiously.

Ah I can not do this, Leo complained.

Do not chicken out again bro just calm down you got this, Darkness explained.

Okay yeah I got this, Leo said determined.

"Hello earth to Leo," Venus giggled.

"Oh um Venus I was wondering..." Leo began before he was cut off by a explosion beneath their feet.

When Leo felt his shell hit the ground he looked beside him.

"Venus are you okay??" Leo asked concerningly.

"Yeah I am okay," Venus winced in pain as she slowly began to sit up.

Darkness get us out of here but do not let her see your eyes! Leo yelled.

On it, Darkness said.

With that Leo's eyes went black but he picked Venus up bridal style before she could see his eyes. Darkness heard another explosion coming as he ran quickly. Darkness grappled to the roof of a near by building and held Venus close as he pulled them up to the roof.

"Leo what is going on?!" Venus yelled in fear.

"I do not know..." Darkness breathed trying to sound like Leo.

Darkness ran as fast as he could back to the lair making sure Venus never saw his eyes. When they got to the lair Leo's eyes went back to blue as he breathed heavily.

"I-I never knew you ran that fast," Venus studdered as she blushed.

"Yeah... I have been training hard heh," Leo laughed as he set her on her feet and held her hands.

"Hey Venus I uh," Leo started before getting cut off.

Venus stood on her tiptoes as she pecked his cheek, "no need to I like you too!"

Leo blushed a deep shade of red.

Good job man, Darkness smiled as he faded away.

Then Leo and Venus both went off to bed. Leo laid on the bed smiling and beating red. He and Venus were now together and nothing could ruin this feeling of joy. As Leo fell into a deep slumber he and Darkness talked for a bit before they both fell asleep to rest. But little did they know this feeling of joy and happiness would cease to exist in a matter of minutes... as they slept peacefully through the night there was an eerie feeling tingling in the air.

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