The Truth

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Splinter, Oliver and Rose escaped Shredder's empire and began to make their way to the company. Minutes began to turn into hours as the three of them slowly made their way, after roughly two hours past the three of them had arrived to the company. They saw Ralph and Mikey sitting on the couch, Talena and Donnie in the lab, meanwhile Venus and Larota in the dojo training and talking. Ralph and Mikey saw Splinter, they ran to him and hugged him tightly Splinter was shocked at first before hugging his sons back.

"Father! We missed you!" they said in unison as Mikey smiled and Ralph relaxed a bit.

"I have missed you too my sons..." Splinter said as he held them close, scared of losing them again.

The girls heard the commotion and peaked their heads out of the rooms to see their parents. They ran to their parents before embracing them into a big hug, a smile spread across all of their faces as Oliver and Rose both hugged their daughters back.

"Our girls," Rose and Oliver sighed in relief as they relaxed, knowing their daughters were all safe was the best feeling in the world.

"So did you guys fight the foot? Ooo was there any good fighting scenes?" Mikey asked as he mimicked a few karate moves before falling and laughing.

"No Leonardo freed us," Oliver said as he looked at Rose who nodded in agreement.

"Wait... So Leonardo, in a way, helped us all escape..." Venus said, shedding light on the fact that Leo did indeed save them.

"I wonder what kind of punishment he is going to get then," Ralph hissed as he pulled away from the group hug.

Behind Leonardo was Shredder.....

"You traitor..." Shredder hissed in a low growl as the foot behind him took a stance but he put his hand up motioning them to stay on guard but to stay.

"I believe you are the traitor," Leo said without even glancing at Shredder as Leonardo pointed his katana at Shredder, the blade glistening in the low lit room.

"I told Karai you would turn your back on us, such a shame she really liked you too," Shredder said as he laughed wickedly before looking back at Leonardo and continuing his lies, "what a fool she was to think she loved a fool like you!"

"I feel pity for her, she has to deal with a father like you..." Leo said while staring at the ground but he then looks up at the wall as a thought came back to him then he glared at Shredder, "but you are not even her father, or have you kept that a secret from her as well? After all you were the one who killed her mother."

Karai walked into the room, tears welled into her eyes as she looked at Shredder, the man who has always been a father figure to her and raised her since she could remember, "father is this true?"

When Karai asked this question fear rang through her voice, Shredder noticeably tensed up as he stared at her lowering his weapon. The foot behind him was confused and curious on the situation unfolding in front of them.

"Karai, Daughter! No, he is lying!" Shredder said with hesitation when Shredder hesitated Leo new instantly that Shredder indeed was not the father... no he was a fake father who turned Karai, a little girl, into a weapon...

Karai turned her anger towards Leonardo as for she wanted to believe what Shredder said was true but a part of her knew that Shredder was lying and Leonardo was right...

"Karai please listen to me! He is not your father!" Leo yelled as he put his katanas away.

"He is lying Karai ignore him!" Shredder yelled as anger surged through him before he drawn his weapon.

"Karai you are my sister! Hamoto Yoshi is your father! I met your mother!" Leo yelled as he started walking towards Karai, Karai looked at Leo a part of her believing him more.

"What? How?..." Karai whispered as hope filled her eyes.

Months before this day, Leonardo was sent off to complete his training in Japan by Shredder, Karai wrote to him every day to keep him updated and to see how the training was going. On the last few days of Leonardo's training he finishes early and was actually able to explore the city and gardens Japan had to offer.

"It is amazing here..." Leo whispered as a cherry blossom leaf floated down to him, he caught it in his hand and examined it closely.

Then Leonardo heard a woman, crying. Leonardo, concerned and wanting to help this poor woman, began to look around as he saw a young woman with long brown hair and pale skin kneeling at a house burned to ashes but she was not worried about the house she was sitting infront of a fountain where a pink baby blanket laid. She continued to cry. Leonardo looked at the blanket and inferred that she lost her child to the fire.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" Leo asked as he went to put his hand on her shoulder but his hand went through her.

"Leonardo... you know my daughter... Please protect her from him... take her back to her father... Hamoto Yoshi...." the woman whispered before fading away, her crying and the name Hamoto Yoshi echoing in Leonardo's head.

Now Leonardo stood here in front of Karai and Shredder... Protect her from him... take her back to her father... Hamoto Yoshi...

"Karai at first I did not think that you could be Splinter's daughter! But Karai you are! I saw your mother! She told me to take you back to your family! Your real family!" Leo yelled his mind focused just on her... he did not see Shredder had stabbed a sword through the back of his shell and through his chest... inches from his heart...

"Leonardo!!!!" Karai yelled... as for it was the last thing Leonardo heard before everything went dark...

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