Save Her

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"Venus!!!" Leo cried as he held her close.

Venus weakly hugged him back, "I will be okay... now call off your dragon before it kills the others..."

Leo nodded as he picked her up bridal style, he whispered, "just hang in there..."

Venus wrapped her arms around his neck weakly as nodded. Leo held her close as ran to the girls.

"Donovan! Kneel!" Leo commanded.

Donovan halted to a stop and kneeled to Leo.

Larota growled as she saw Venus, "Leo what the hel--" Larota was beginning to yell before Venus cut her off.

Venus whispered, "it was the only way..."

"Talena get on Donovan and take her back I have to stop Shredder once and for all," Leo said in determination as he laid Venus on the dragon.

Talena nervously climbed onto the dragon. Talena held herself and Venus on as the dragon flew away. Leonardo grabbed his katanas and turned around. A tall bulky figure was glaring at them his black eye-piercing into their souls, his white solid eye making it more terrifying. Beside him was a slender woman, with black long hair and a witch hat that set delicately on the top of her head. A dark black material covered her body like a swimsuit, her arms and thighs covered in a sheer black. Black gloves covered her fingers up to her elbows, she wore boots that covered half of her thighs down to her feet. There was a gold circle with intricate designs sitting on her stomach as there were small strands of gold throughout her outfit. On top of her outfit was a small cape that was the length to her elbows.

"Shinigami attack the others, Leonardo is mine," Shredder muttered to the girls as he glared at Leonardo.

"Yes sir," Shinigami uttered as she pulled out an intricate crescent moon that was beautifully chained to a small gold ball.

April grabbed her fan and flicked it a bit causing the delicate fan to turn into a small sharp fan. Lartoa grabbed her kamas and spun them around until she got into a fighting stance.

Shinigami charged at Mikey, she slashed his arm and kicked him into a wall.

"Argh..." Mikey yelled as he hit the wall.

"You will pay for that!" Ralph yelled as he tried to stab her with his sais.

Shinigami fake yawned as she dodged and she pinched on a nerve on his shoulder that temporarily paralyzed Ralph as he fell to the ground hard. She then threw her golden ball at April trying to knock her onto her feet. April dodged and try to throw her fans at Shinigami like a boomerang but Shinigami always teleported to somewhere else before it hit her. Larota held her kamas to Shinigami's throat so she could not move as she pinned her to the wall.

"Agh!" Shinigami yelled as thought on how to get free.

Leo and Shredder stared at each other, neither moving then Shredder charged and try to slash Leo but Leo jumped up and kicked Shredder in the back pushing him into almost slashing Shinigami but Shredder stopped himself inches from Shinigami.

"Enough of these games," Shredder growled as he threw white powder into Larota's face.

"Argh!" Larota screamed as her eyes began to burn.

"Larota!" April and Leo yelled in unison.

Larota backed up and fell to the ground, she slowly looked up and her eyes were solid black.

"Kill April," Shredder commanded.

Ralph, Mikey, Donnie, Casey, and Karai finally made it to them to aide them with taking down Shredder.

"Boys help April with Larota! I will help Leo with Shredder." Karai commanded as they all nodded and went to do what they were told.

April dodged Larota's attack as Ralph locked weapons with Larota they both growling.

Leo attacked Shredder but his arm got slashed deep leaving three deep cuts.

Larota kicks Ralph into a wall and then she threw Casey into a wall knocking him out, as she strangled Mikey holding him off the ground by his neck.

Ralph growled as he got back up his shell cracked as he charges at Larota getting her off of Mikey.

Shinigami wrapped her chain around Ralph as Larota punched him and threw him into the wall.

April looked around unsure of who to go to or who to help first.

You cannot save them
You are a failure
They are all going to die
because of you
You are weak and useless

April screamed, her scream seemed like it was blasting, knocking everyone all to the ground. April saw darkness take over as she fainted.

"Guys retreat!" Leo yelled as he picked April up bridal style and jumped out a window.

Ralph finally got up, grabbed Larota and jumped out the window.

Donnie grabbed Casey and jumped out the window with him.

Mikey grabbed Karai and Shinigami and jumped out with them.

"You cowards!" Shredder yelled out the window.

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