2.Glimpses Of Past

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After hopping in car arnav started engine.

"Papa why you keep secret the place where we are going " asked avi being confused and his little brain is very curious to know the reason.

Arnav without facing avi said

"It is the place where your mother spent her life from her childhood because of this reason we go alone" said arnav while gluping his pain.

Althought avi did not understand but nodded his head and rest of the journey was silent.

After few minutes both reached their destination a building of three floors and a big garden at back side of the building.

Both headed towards building with his workers carrying some big boxes. when they entered a women in her late fifites greeted them.

"Happy birthday arnav beta and avi" said that lady while taking avi in her arms.

"Thank you nani" said avi while hugging her.

"Thank you sarala aunty" said arnav.

"Happy birthday arnav bhaiya" saying came many children of different age groups.

"Thank you to all " said arnav.

Arnav started distributing gifts to them which he brought with him.

After receiving gifts from arnav all thanked him and wished avi and left to play. Avi looked at his father for permission. arnav nodded with small smile. Avi left to play with them.

"Thank you arnav beta for helping us" said sarala.

"It's nothing aunty you gave shelter to khushi and also these children. I am just doing what my khushi used to do" saying arnav with expressionless face and left from their without waiting for her reply.

sarala signed seeing his retireing figure. He was not the person she meet years ago but she can do nothing other than praying for his happiness.

Arnav came to garden where children were playing. He sat on the beach and took a deep breath to control his emotions.

This was the place where khushi spend her most of the life. she was an orphan sarala brought her to this orphanage when she was two years old. Her parents died in accident and her relatives were not ready to take her responsibility.

Arnav thoughts were disturbed by avi who was calling him.

"What happened papa" asking avi seeing arnav in lost thoughts.

"Nothing you go and play" said arnav nodding at him avi left.

Again arnav thoughts drifted into past when he first meet his khushi.

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