5.Is She My Khushi?

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Papa today I saw mom, but she didn't recognize me, and she said she is not my mom” said avi and cried more hugging arnav.

“What !!!! ” screamed arnav.

“Yes today I saw her in ice cream parlour” said avi.

Not getting what to say to him. Arnav said.

“Avi let's go home” saying arnav lifted him.

After settling in car arnav ignited engine. After sometime avi slept due to crying.

Both reached arnav's house in Mumbai.

Arnav laid avi on bed kissing his forehead, he came out of his room.

Arnav was confused to believe him or not.
How can he saw khushi?
They know she is no more.
Then how she came in front of avi.

In akshita flat:

She came to her flat and sat on the couch while drinking water.

Akshita POV:

How can it be possible?
Is he the same boy whom I saw in my dreams?
Yes the boy whom I saw in dreams also named avi as this boy whom I meet today.
But the boy in my dreams is of two years old unlike this boy.
Same name can be coincidence.
But the main question is what is my relation with that boy in my dreams.
And, How can this boy say I am his mother when I saw him for the first time?

Ahh! I will go mad if I think more and my head is also started paining.

I was about to go to my room door-bell started ringing. I opened the door.

Amrita and kavya came inside closing door I came after them.

“Are you fine akshita? .
You came without having ice cream.”amrita asked.

“Yaa slight headache. I am not feeling to have dinner, and I am going to sleep” I said.

“No if you have headache then you should take medicines for that you should have dinner. So came we brought food with us” amrita ordered.

Without having any choice I had my dinner along with them and had my medicines.

Tomorrow I have to go for work and before that I had to deal with my weird dreams sighing I slept.

In arnav's house:

Arnav came to wake up avi to have dinner.

“Avi wake up” said arnav.

After struggling for some minutes finally avi was awake.

“Come let's have dinner” said arnav.

But avi didn't give reply showing his disappointment.

By sensing his silence arnav understood.

“Avi I think you mistook someone else as khushi” said arnav.

“But papa it was mom only I saw her that too closely” said avi.

Arnav thought if he kept on denying then avi will try to explain his point so it is better to agree with him.

“Ok avi I believe you” said arnav.

“So papa we will search for mom from tomorrow” said avi.

Arnav nodded.

“How I wish khushi to be with me.
I hope avi will forget about this soon” though arnav.

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