19. Aman's doubt

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Ratna received khushi traditionally by circling puja thal and tikka, khushi became emotional seeing her ever so strict mother-in-law as a caring mother.

Avi stood beside khushi as if his life depends on her, arnav carried her to their room with avi and others followed them, Mallika got jealous seeing Khushi in arnav's arms.

"Khushi you should take a rest for a few days," said Ratna.

Khushi nodded. They heard a loud scream of 'KHUSHI' . It was Lavanya.

She rushed towards her and hugged her with all might cause khushi to lean back.

"Khushi I missed you a lot yaar, our time and gossip," said Lavanya.

"Lavanya Mami, you are crushing Mumma, " said avi.

"Oh, sorry khushi I was overexcited," said Lavanya with a silly smile.

"Let's go, she needs rest," said Ratna.

"I will stay with Mumma, " said avi hugging khushi.

"Ok, " said Ratna.

All walked out of her room. Aman called arnav as they were in the living room.

"What happened aman?" asked a confused arnav.

"Arnav, How khushi slipped from the stairs?" asked aman.

"I don't know aman, avi saw her first then called others, only she can answer, but she didn't remember anything,
Why are you asking?" asked arnav.

"I have doubts that it was planned, " replied aman.

"What!! How are you sure?" asked arnav.

"Four years before we thought she is dead, now all know she is alive, and they planned to kill her again, I doubt that accident was also preplanned." replied aman.

"I will ask khushi about that accident, If you doubt is true, I am not going to leave those who tried to kill my
khushi. "replied arnav.

"Ok, take care, I am leaving, " said aman.

Arnav nodded, aman went away greeting family members.

Mallika room:

"Di, we tried to kill her, so that she can be out of our life, but she gained her memory, because of that accident," said Mallika.

"Yes, you are right, " said payal.

"We should plan again, " said Mallika.

"No, Aman and arnav have doubts that her accidents are planned, so let's stop planning for a few days." said payal.

"How do you know?" asked Mallika.

"I overheard their conversation a few minutes ago, " replied payal.

"Oh, I just hope she disappears from my life, so I can live with my arnav happily, " said Mallika.

Mallika found payal in deep thoughts.

"Were you lost di?" asked Mallika.

"I don't know Mallika, I am getting negative vibes from this morning, " replied payal.

"Don't worry di, nothing will happen to us, " replied Mallika.

Payal nodded.

Arnav and Khushi's room:

Arnav walked into their room with dinner, he found them deeply engrossed in conversation.

"Avi let her take rest, " said Arnav settling beside them.

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