3.Marriage Proposal

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In RM:

Raizada's were sitting in the living room after having their dinner.
Suddenly ratna started speaking.

"Chotte I want to say something" said ratna.

Arnav just hummed in response.All family members were eagerly waiting to know what ratna was going to say.

"Chotte you know avi is still small and he needs a mother's love" said ratna.

"Mom what you want to say? " asked arnav.

"I want you to get married by that avi will get mother's love and a life partner for you" said ratna shocking arnav to the core.

Raizada's were also shocked listening to ratna.

"Mom what are you saying. I don't want to marry anyone" said arnav while controlling his anger.

"You have to chotte. You have to move on in your life and start living your life like you used to live before four years not like this. Your not living your life happily chotte your just living like a robot not talking to anyone and working day and night. You should start living again chotte and it is only possible if you get married to someone and also avi need mother love he is still a small child think about it chotte" said ratna feeling helpless seeing her son's gloomy life.

"Mom I understand what you want to say but I can't marry anyone for me khushi was my wife, khushi is my wife and she will remain my wife until my last breath. I am their for avi mom I can't be his mother but I will try my best to fulfill the void created by khushi's absence" said arnav.

Ratna was looking at him which 'please agree with me' expression.

While all raizada's were watching arnav and ratna with silent tears.

"Marrying someone is not a solution mom.
What will you do if that women will marry me only for my money and status?
What will you do if she fails give mother's love to avi? " asked arnav.

Ratna remained quiet.

"What happened mom? " again asked arnav.

"I just want your happiness chotte I can't see you like this please once listen to me" said ratna.

"Mom I can do anything for you other than this" said arnav.

"Arshad say something" said ratna.

"Ratna we can't force him so just leave the topic here" said arshad.

Ratna eyed anjali to say something but anjali remained silent.

Ratna signed in defeat and left to her room as not one from family supporting her.

Arnav with avi left to their room. All family members also left to their respective rooms.

In arnav room:

Arnav and avi came to their room.

"Avi come let's sleep I am sleepy" said arnav. Nodding at him avi slept.

After some time arnav mobile started ringing.

Arnav saw the time it was showing 11 O clock frowning arnav attended the call.

Phone conversation:

"Hello sir I am manager of Mumbai branch sorry for the inconvenience but it's important. I tried to call aman sir but his mobile is not reachable" said person from another side.

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