22.Family Surprise

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Arnav and khushi entered raizada mansion the next day after celebrating their anniversary privately. Avi rushed to Khushi and hugged her.

“Happy Anniversary Mumma and papa” he wished them.

“Thank you avi,” they said.

The whole family wished them and they left to their room to freshen up and had their breakfast with the family.

“Mumma, what is papa's gift?” asked avi as they were seated in their room.

“A chain” saying she showed him the chain.

“Wow, papa what a nice gift. A and K means Avi and khushi right Mumma” asked Avi after seeing the chain.

Khushi nodded with a smile but Arnav had other thoughts. “No, A and K means Arnav and khushi,” said arnav.

“No” argued avi.

“Wait don't argue A can be for both your names,” said khushi.

“Yes, Mumma I can share it with papa, no problem,” saying he ran to show the chain to others.

“And, arnav why are you arguing with avi?” asked khushi.

He moved towards her “He was an obedient son of mine in these years he never argued with me and always used to be with me like he didn't like to spend his time with others and you know yesterday was the first he was with ma and di alone. I think with you he got his naughty side which was hidden till now and I like this side of him and you observed he only argues with me for you. So I like to argue with him” said arnav.

“If only that accident wouldn't have happened everything would have been fine,” said Khushi with a glint of tears.

“But now our life is back on its track. So don't be sad” said Arnav pulling her in his arms.

“Hug without me papa” avi wrapped his arms around their waist as he was that level. Arnav lifted him “ So you showed it to all family members, ” asked Arnav, seeing the chain in his hands.

“Yes, and I also said that A means avi,” he said.

Arnav chuckled “Ok, I have a few meetings. I will be home in a few hours” saying he left for the office.

Khushi observed avi in deep thoughts “What are you thinking avi?” asked khushi.

“Mamma, papa give you a gift. So I think you should also give him a gift ” said avi.

“You are right. Will you help me in selecting?” asked khushi.

“Yes,” said avi with excitement.

Informing Ratna they left for shopping.

“What do you think we should give him?” asked Khushi while they were in the car.

“A watch, papa like watches” replied avi.

They went to a watch shop and bought a watch for arnav.

“Mumma let's have an ice cream,” said avi while they were returning.

They reached Raizada mansion after treating themselves with ice cream.

In the evening, Arnav returned from office and greeted raizada's in the living room.

“Chotte and khushi, we are thinking of having dinner at the restaurant, to celebrate your anniversary,” said anjali.

“Ok di, When did you guys decide to leave?” asked arnav.

“By seven and I kept your dresses in your room, so get ready. I will help Avi to get ready” said anjali.

Nodding they left and the family shared a knowing smile.

Arnav and khushi found their dresses kept on the recliner.

Khushi came to Arnav with the gift-wrapped in gift wrapper.
“Your anniversary gift. I know it is small compared to yours but it is from me and avi.” said khushi.

He unwrapped the gift “Wow, khushi it is nice and thank you” said arnav.

“Avi selected it,” said khushi.

“Really he has a nice taste just like me,” said arnav with a grin.

“You mean I don't have a nice taste,” asked khushi.

“I never mentioned it but if you think then it must be right because I know my khushi is always right” saying he ran into the washroom.

It took a few minutes for khushi to realise the meaning. She left to another stomping her foot to get ready.

Arnav came to the living room at half-past six and found it empty. He called for hp but he got no reply. In the meanwhile, khushi also came to the living room seeing her he moved towards and pulled her in a hug.

“You're looking beautiful khushi,” said arnav.

“Yes because this saree is not my choice,” said Khushi with a pout.

“I was joking then khushi, Sorry,” he said.

“Ok, ” she smiled. He pulled her for a kiss which turned into a passionate one they pulled out in the need of air.

“I love you khushi,” said arnav while leaning his forehead on hers.

“I love you too” she whispered, still breathing heavily while blushing.

They pulled away with fake coughs. It was aman.

“Where are the other aman and when did you come?” asked arnav.

“I am here to take you to them and follow me. I will drive you both to the venue, ” said aman and left the place to avoid arnav's investigation.

Throughout the journey, Arnav and khushi ate his brain with so many questions.

“Stop, we reached and you guys can ask your questions to di or Lavanya” saying he walked out of the car.

They followed him. They were shocked when they reached a big hall which was filled with guests and their family and a cake in the middle of the hall.

“Surprise,” all said in unison when they reached them.

“Thank you,” said khushi.

“So whose idea is it?” asked arnav.

“All of us and we also thought that all should know about Khushi's being alive,” said Ratna.

Ratna introduced khushi to guests and said about her accident and being alive. All were shocked at first and then continued with the party.

They cut the cake and fed each other, then soft music started playing and Arnav pulled khushi to the dance floor.

In all these Mallika was fuming in anger for both reasons seeing them enjoying and also seeing her sister distant towards her for her selfish reasons.

To be continued.....

This story is going end in three chapter guys.


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