7.Smart Avi

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Arnav POV:

Today is the best day of my life and unforgettable day also. I came out of the conference room and was on my way to my cabin. I need to explain everything to avi so that he can behave normally with khushi without getting any doubt to her.

As I entered my cabin I saw avi is drawing something in his book while sitting on the sofa. I went to him, and he looked at me with a smile. I like when avi smiles at me, he has the same smile as khushi.

By sitting beside avi I took his book. He looked at me with a frown instead of saying anything I took him to my lap.

"Papa I was drawing something why are you disturbing me? " avi asked with a frown but he looked cute.

"I need to talk to you avi and it is very important" I said with little serious expression.

Avi nodded.

"Yesterday the woman you saw was really khushi only" I said directly.

Avi was looking at me with 'I already know' look.

"I know it papa I said yesterday only but you didn't believe me.
So now you believe then let's search for mom" avi said.

"There is no need she work in this office only" I said.

Avi looked at him with a big smile.

"Then papa let's go and talk to her and ask mom why she said she is not my mom" avi said.

"Avi according to your mom, she is not your mom" I said.

"What do you mean papa? " avi asked.

"Avi four years back when your mom faced accident we thought she is no more, but she was alive, but she had memory loss because of that she forgot us" I said.

"That means mom don't know about me" he asked sadly.

I nodded.

"She doesn't even know her name avi" I said.

"Then how people call mom" asked avi.

"The person who saved khushi she named her akshita and she was living with her till now" I said.

"Then papa what we should do so that mom will get her memory back" he asked.

" I don't know, but we will think about that" I said.

"But how can I go in front of her" avi asked.

I looked at him with confusion.

"Why can't you go in front of her? " I questioned.

"Papa yesterday I meet her and called her mom" he replied.

He was right but suddenly he face lit up I think he got an idea.

"Papa today I will go to her and I will say yesterday I played a prank on her.
It is the best idea right" avi asked.

I nodded smilingly.

"My avi becoming very smart day by day" I said.

" Papa I am always smart" said avi while lifting his collar.

"Ok I agree" I said.

"Papa I want to meet mom" avi said.

"Ok I will take you" saying I lifted avi and left my cabin.

As I came in front of her cabin I said.

"Avi you go and talk to her and after taking come directly to my cabin" I said.

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