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Next day:

As a normal day everyone in the house were getting ready for their respective work.

Avi along with priya and akhil were playing with his video camera in the living room.

Arnav left early for an important meeting as he has to compensate for these two weeks work.

All raizada mens also left to their respective work after having breakfast.

Raizada ladies along with mallika were sitting in living area suddenly they heard the doorbell. Hp opened the door. It was devyani arnav's dadi. She was on a pilgrimage tour from last week.
As she reached living room her gaze fell on khushi. Her expression changed from happy to shock and from shock to amuse.

“Ma she is our khushi only.... ” with that ratna explained the whole story which she listened from arnav.

Devyani walked to her. Khushi bend to take her blessings, but she took khushi in hug.

“I am grateful to devi maiya, she kept you safe.
I missed you khushi” devyani was in tears.

“Don't cry dadi” khushi wiped her tears.

“Ma you must be tried, Take a rest for some time” ratna suggested.

Ratna helped deviyani till her room.

Khushi headed towards her room as she has to unpack her luggage.

She walked into the room. She remembered yesterday's events.

He closed this room to cherish his memories with me and here I am with no clue about my past. I can see and feel his love for me, I want to remember everything from my past, I think I should consult a doctor once, till now I didn't care about my memories but now I want to remember them. I will talk to arnav once he is home...... Thought khushi.

In evening akhil was eating sweets sitting in the living room.

“Akhil can you give me one? ” avi asked being sweet addict.

“Avi payal mami give only one if you want you can ask mom or mami” akhil replied.

Nodding“ Mamma” avi called khushi

Khushi who was unpacked her stuff was coming down stairs hearing his shout.

“What happened avi? ” khushi asked from upstairs.

“Mumma I want sweets” avi replied.

Nodding khushi was descending stairs suddenly she lost her balance and slipped from stairs, Her head hit the edge of stairs, she unconsciously fell on the floor.

Avi was shocked seeing blood on the floor. He rushed towards her screaming.

“Mu.. mumma wake up mumma” avi was patting her cheeks while crying.

Hearing his screams all raizadas came to Hall and were shocked seeing the scenario.

“Khushi” saying all rushed towards her.

“Mom we have to take her to hospital” saying anjali pressed the injured area to stop blood flow.

Raizada ladies with the help of hp admitted her in the hospital. Doctors took her to OT.

“Mom we should inform arnav? ” anjali said.

Ratna cried hearing her, she knows arnav can't handle the same pain the second time, she looked at avi who was standing in front of OT crying.

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