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“Your dance was amazing Mumma and papa” avi rushed to them when they walked out of the dance floor.

“Thank you, Avi,” said Khushi, reaching his level and hugging him.

Avi went away with Akhil as they were keeping each other company in this big party. Khushi stood with Anjali and Lavanya talking and Arnav was talking with his clients.

Standing in the corner of the hall Mallika felt like a left out as no one cared to ask her as everyone was busy with khushi and wishing her. She looked at payal who was busy with her daughter and talking with akash after their last conversation payal was not talking with her which only increased her anger. Her eyes fell on khushi, her grip tightened on the glass in her hands, seeing her smiling and mainly arnav attention on her.

“You want everyone's attention on you right khushi now you will have but I don't think you will like that attention,” she said with an evil intention as an idea struck in her head.

Excused from anjali khushi left in search of avi a server blocked her way.

“Mam would you like to have juice,” asked the server politely.

As she was feeling thirsty she nodded and took the glass and in one go she completed more than half glass suddenly she felt dizzy sitting on the nearby chair she held her head as it started spinning.

Mallika smirked seeing her as she was the one who mixed vodka in juice and bribed the server to give it to her. She knew in some time she will start behaving weirdly and was waiting impatiently to see the show made by khushi.

Khushi stood up holding her head but she lost her balance before she fall a pair of arms held her protectively.

“A..Ar..arnav” stammered khushi. Arnav observed the change in her behaviour, her eyes half closing and opening and the way she stood he felt something weird and his gaze fell on the juice glass on the table.

“Khushi you drank this juice,” asked arnav.

“Yes, arnav” replied khushi looking around.

He tasted the juice and got to know the reason for her weird behaviour.

“Arnav come let us dance” she started dragging him.

He looked at the people in the party, all we're busy and he gazed at Khushi. If he left her to stay here then she would create a ruckus, without replying to her  he dragged her out of the hall.

“Arnav, where are you taking me? We crossed the dance floor long ago?” she said while giggling.

Arnav kept on walking while giving a smile to whoever saw them walking.

Whereas Mallika stomped her foot and kept glaring at the way they walked. Once again her plan failed. She cursed Arnav and his timing. If only he was late she could have created a scene but alas her luck is not in her favour. Signing she turned only to be dragged by payal to the farthest corner.

“Di, What happened and why did you drag me here?” asked Mallika, releasing her hand from Payal's grip.

“I saw what you were doing. I told you to stay away from khushi. Why don't you understand if anyone saw you and if that person goes to inform Arnav then god knows what he will do with you?” lashed payal.

“Then what do you expect me to do, stand in one corner and see her enjoying?” asked Mallika.

“You know what I expect from you and you are leaving to my house tomorrow” declared payal.

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