9.Meeting her

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At Akshita Flat:

Akshita was getting ready early morning in jet speed. Amrita who just now woke up saw her getting ready and frowned thinking the reason.

“Where are you going akshi early morning? ” asked amrita.

“Ami I am leaving for office. Rahul Sir phoned and informed to be early today” replied akshita.

“Why? ” questioned amrita.

“I don't know.
I am getting late, Bye” saying akshita left for Ar.

At Ar:

Akshita reached Ar. She was heading towards rahul cabin when suddenly she felt something wet on her head and wetness spread to her face.
She saw who did it and saw a person speaking in mobile while moving his hands in the air as if drawing something in the air. She lost her cool as all employees who were cleaning the office were laughing seeing her face. She rushed upstairs while planning something as she took a water bottle and splash that water fell on someone's face which was unexpected for that person also as that person was staring at her with 'you did it' look.... and khushi felt like her head spinning due to coldness and soon composed herself.

Whereas that person was starting at her completely shocked as he expected her to shout at him but this he didn't expect and felt like his plan backfire.

That person was none other than arnav. He wanted to start their love story same as before. So he thought to make their first meet same as past.

He ordered rahul to inform that she should be early tomorrow, and he saw her coming. He purposely dropped the juice on her and was acting like he was talking over the phone but what he unexpected was she emptied bottle of water on his face.

“Can't you drink juice without dropping it on others” asked akshita.

“Sorry I didn't expect it will happen and you should also not empty a bottle full of water on others face without knowing it they did intentionally or accidentally” replied arnav.

Before akshita could reply rahul reached.

“Akshita what happened?
Sir What happened to you? ” questioned rahul completely clueless seeing them wet.

Arnav left from there without replying.

Whereas akshita was feeling that she did wrong and what he said was right. She thought to apologize.

“Akshita come I need to talk to you” spoke rahul.

They left to his cabin.

“Akshita you have to work as temporary PA for Asr until he is in Mumbai” spoke rahul.

“But sir, I am assistant designer, Then how can I be his PA? ” asked akshita.

“Sir will be here only for a few days and there is no fashion show lined up. So you can be his PA” replied rahul.

“Ok sir, Can I ask you a question? ” asked akshita.

Rahul nodded.

“Sir, the person who was with me a few minutes back. What is his name? ” asked akshita.

“Akshita he is only Asr” replied rahul leaving her dumbfounded.

That means she played her stupid stunt with her boss. Signing she thought to apologize. Her thoughts were disturbed by rahul.

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