8.Evil Talk

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Hii guys,

Hope you guys are doing well.

Thank you for being patient and supporting me🙏

Here is the update after long time.....
I hope you will enjoy reading😉


Arnav POV:

I was waiting for avi. He was with khushi from nearly two hours I think he must have become close to khushi otherwise he would have come earlier.

My son is spending time with his mother from two hours and here I am thinking how to face her really my son has smart mind.

My chain of thoughts got Interrupted by avi who entered in my cabin like an express train and landed in my lap while hugged me tightly. I too wrapped my arms around his small frame.

"What happened that my avi became this much happy? " I asked him by breaking hug.

"I am very much happy papa.
Thank you for bringing mom in my life again.
I really missed her so much.
You know she is really nice and cute also.

You know today's breaking news
papa? "avi asked with shining eyes which were saying clearly how happy he was until today I never saw this spark in his eyes even though when I brought his favorite games.

I think khushi brought our lost khushi (happiness) in our lives.

"I don't know, tell me" I asked him. I am really feeling like worlds the luckiest man seeing avi this much happy.

"Me and Mom became friends. She agreed to be my friend.
I also eat lunch with her and papa she brought jalebis which are tastier than the jalebis which I ate till now.
I am in love with those jalebis" he said licking his lips.

Wow! jalebis and khushi she forgot everything, but she still loves jalebis. She is really unpredictable and here my avi is same like her in the matter of jalebis and I can't even eat jalebis.

"That means you don't need jalebis prepared by me now" I asked sadly.

"No I still like jalebis made by you. Your best in jalebi making but,
Mom is excellent so don't compare papa" he explained.

I nodded.

"Papa I have one request" asked avi.

"What is it? " I replied.

"Please do something so that mom can remember me please" avi said.

I just can't look in his eyes, so I hugged him.

"Soon avi soon your mom will get her memory back" I said.

" Promise" he asked forwarding his hand.

"Promise" I said placing my hand in his.

"Ok, you play I have meeting after that we will leave for home" I said.

"Ok papa" said avi.

After being satisfied that avi was playing I went to attend a meeting.

After completing my meeting I came to my cabin and avi was busy with his work. I heard door knock. I shouted come in it was rahul.

"ASR should I held interview for your temporary PA" asked rahul.

"No there is no need for an interview" I said.

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