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In Mumbai:

Arnav and avi reached Mumbai both came out of the airport after security check. As arnav wanted to fix the problem first, so he went directly to AR Mumbai branch.

After, a while akshita and amrita reached airport. As soon as they reached the waiting area suddenly out of nowhere a girl came running and hugged amrita causing her to take two steps Back to balance herself.

“How are you di?
I missed you so much. " Said kavya still hugging her.

While akshita laughed seeing them.

“I am fine. I missed you too but leave I am suffocating “ Said amrita.

“Ok sorry I was little excited” Said kavya.

“Thank god you're little not fully excited” Said amrita sarcastically but kavya give her deaf ear and hugged akshita.

“How are you akshi di? ” asked kavya. 

“ I am fine kavya” replied akshita.

“Ok, now let's go” said kavya.

“Where? ” asked akshita and amrita same time.

Kavya left from there without answering both followed her while shrugging their shoulders.

At AR:

Arnav and avi reached AR.
Arnav was sitting with his files as there was a problem with his clients which his manager was unable to solve.

While our avi was getting bored sitting there idle and watching his workaholic papa working.

Arnav saw avi expression which show him clearly that he was getting bored, but he can't do anything as he had to solve this issue first so he continued his work.

But our avi can't sit silently for more than a few minutes, so he got an idea, and he quickly opened his mouth.

“Papa you're working since half n hour, and I am getting bored” said avi.

“I know avi but I am sorry. I will be free in one n half hour” said arnav still checking his file.

“ Ok then papa I saw ice parlour opposite to office I will have ice cream” said avi.

“Ok we will go after my meeting ends” said arnav.

“Papa I will go with rahul uncle” said avi.

“What no you're not going anywhere without me” said area in a serious tone.

“Papa I am getting bored sitting her, and I am going with rahul uncle that too opposite to your office” Said avi with puppy eyes.

Arnav can't resist when avi request him, so he agreed to him.

“Thank you papa” said avi while internally sighed in relief as he escaped from sitting idle for more than one n half hour.

Arnav called rahul (Manager of this branch) and instructed him to take avi with him to ice cream parlour.

Rahul nodded and avi left with him while arnav continued his work.

At ice cream parlour:

Kavya brought akshita and amrita to ice cream parlour which is in front of AR.

“ Why you brought us here? ” Asked amrita.

“Di I love ice cream of this place.
I just want to eat ice cream first, so I brought you both here.
Now stop arguing and come with me” said kavya.

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