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It has been a week since he got to know the truth and was trying to find enough proof to send both sisters to jail for a long time. He hired a private investigator to collect proofs.

Arnav and Aman were waiting for their PI to whom they gave responsibility to collect proofs against payal and Mallika.

"Hi, ASR" greeted a man in his twenties.

"Hi, Aryan, take your seat," said arnav.
Aryan occupied the seat beside them.

"You got any proof?" asked aman.

"Yes, I checked the call history of payal and Mallika around the date of Mrs.Raizada accident and I found a number which she contacted often just a week before her accident and after her accident also and then there was no contact with that number but she is transferring money to him every month and with the help my friend who is a police officer I found that person. He used to work as a driver for her father until Mrs.Raizada accident and he resigned prior a week for her accident. My team found his present residency as he is still using the same number. I think they thought they are never going to get caught. He has been living in Allahabad for the last four years. He was the one who hit Mrs.raizadas car and caused it to fall from the hill. We caught him and tricked him to confess the truth by saying that payal is caught and she confessed her crime and also we said to him If he accepts then he might have chance reduce his punishment and sir I did this with the help of video which you send and he is in our custody and the rest is your wish" said Aryan.

"Brilliant Aryan you caught the person" praised aman.

"Thank you, sir and it is my duty," said Aryan.

"Arnav these proofs and that driver are sufficient to send them to jail," said aman.

"Yes, but I want to know the reason why they did this to me and also I want payal's confession then our proof becomes strong," said arnav.

"Yes, sir if payal confesses then no one can save her," said Aryan.

"What is your plan Arnav?" asked Aman, observing him.

Arnav smiled at him and decided to end these sisters' chapters today itself.


"Chotte you came very early today it is only one O'clock," asked Anjali, seeing her brother at home at an unusual time.

"I invited a guest and she will be here at any time. So to receive her I came early" replied arnav occupying space beside khushi.

"Who is it chotte?" asked Ratna.

"Amritha" replied arnav.

"Who is she?" asked Mallika with an extra sweet smile.

Arnav fisted his hands and clenched his jaw in anger. He was losing his control whenever he heard their voices or they came in front of him but khushi answered instead of him.

"Amritha means the person who saved me four years ago right," asked khushi.

"Yes, She is Delhi and today she phoned and said she wanted to meet you and I invited her. So that all can meet her" said arnav.

"You did right, We all can thank her for saving khushi," said Ratna.

"Yes, I just forgot to call her," said khushi.

"How do you remember her?" asked Arnav as he knew she didn't remember four years' incidents.

Khushi bit her tongue as she was caught. She tried not to inform him because he will take unnecessary tension but she has to inform him now.

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