10.Lunch Date By Avi

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After two weeks:

At Delhi:

Ratna is pacing back and forth in living room causing others to look at her with a confused expression.

“What happened ratna? ” asked arshad.

“Arshad ji it has been more than two weeks chotte and avi left to Mumbai” replied ratna.

“So what mom it's only two weeks not two months” spoke anjali who was observing her mother's actions.

“Anjali chotte will never stay more than Two days in Mumbai.
I also confirmed that his work got completed in Mumbai but still he is not returning” said ratna.

“I think he wants to stay alone for some days” said arshad.

“Exactly he doesn't want to stay with us” said ratna.

“Ratna don't think rubbish. Avi wants to enjoy his vacations, so he might request arnav to stay in Mumbai” said arshad and left from there.

Ratna is still not convinced with their answer.

In Mumbai:
At Ar:

In these two weeks avi and khushi bond became strong. Arnav and khushi relationship is still stuck at the boss and employee. Khushi was still trying to remember where she saw arnav.

Whereas avi was enjoying his vacation with his mom fully and nowadays arnav was having his lunch alone.

It was a normal day as usual avi was in akshita's cabin and arnav in his cabin busy with his file.

He felt someone tugging his suit he know it was avi.

“What is it avi? ” arnav questioned with his eyes on laptop.

“Papa it is lunchtime and I think normal people will have lunch” avi answered.

“Oh you remember me I thought as always you will have your lunch with your mom” arnav spoke still concentrating on his work.

“Are you by any chance getting jealous of mom” avi asked taking his laptop.

“What the.. Why should I be jealous of khushi? ” arnav questioned.

“I know now come with me” saying avi tried to drag him, but he was sitting like a rock in his chair.

“Papa come with me” avi spoke.

“Where and why? ” arnav questioned.

“You don't trust me papa without knowing can't you come with me” avi said dramatically while wiping his fake tears.

Arnav was like ‘What was that’ look.

“You become completely dramatic while staying with your mom” saying arnav stood up while shaking his head.

“Let's go” said arnav.

Smiling avi guided him to the place where he wanted to take him.

In akshita cabin:

Akshita was pacing back and forth nervously in her cabin and the reason was avi and his wish. Thinking about that she drifted into yesterday's events.

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