18. Cute Family

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Next day morning around 6 am khushi gained her consciousness. She observed her surrounding arnav was sleeping sitting on the stool beside her. Her gaze fell on avi who slept on the couch, by seeing him she remembered her last conversation with arnav while gazing at him she observed that he was about to fall from the couch. She rushed and held him before he fell.

She observed his face which is similar to her two years old avi and also her mother incentives have strong belief that he is her son, but she is unable to summarize how within a day her son become six years from two years as she only remembered leaving her son with her mother-in-law in order to visit her Devi Maiya temple.

She lost the track of time gazing him and trying to observe new change in her life which she got to know just a few hours ago suddenly avi rolled to other side and her gaze fell on the mole which he had on his neck exactly like her avi and that's it she got the proof also that he is her son. She scooped him in her arms startling that small boy in his sleep, opening his eyes he found himself in his mumma's arms. He was on cloud nine being in his mumma's arms, he wrapped his small arms around her. Khushi broke the hug and placed kisses all over his face. Avi observed tears in her eyes.

“Mumma don't cry” he wiped her tears.

She smiled at him amidst tears.

“Mumma you remember me?” avi asked doubtfully.

Hearing him she cried more remembering the events of a few hours ago. How she refused to believe that he is her son and his cries.

“I am sorry avi.
I am your bad Mumma,
Who forgot you” she said with tears.

“No Mumma you are not bad instead you're best Mumma and,
Please don't cry” he wiped her tears.

She smiled at him, her son became mature before age because of her absence.
She only remembered that her avi used to talk in broken language but now he is wiping her eyes and saying that she is the best unable to reply to him she scooped him in her arms. Avi was more than happy to be in his mother's arms. He reciprocated with a smiling face.

Arnav opened his eyes only to find the most beautiful site for which he longed for years which he thought will never become true but,
God must be crazy that's why he gives us the thing which we longed for years when we least expect it.

He thought he had to explain to khushi that he is her avi but that happened without his interference. He was glad that it happened as he was unable to stand his cute sons tears.

“Hug without me?” Arnav asked, walking towards them.

They broke the hug hearing him.

“Yes, It is our reunion hug” avi replied wrapping his arms around her neck.

Khushi was amazed hearing his reply whereas arnav laughed knowing his son's nature.

“Ok, then I will leave,
you both enjoy your reunion” saying he turned only to pull into a hug by avi.

He wrapped his other arm around his neck and arnav wrapped his arms around his and Khushi's waist. It was like a family reunion after a few moments they pulled out of the hug. Smile was not leaving our arnav and avi's face.

“Khushi you should take rest” saying arnav lifted her in his arms and placed her on bed.

She was looking at him without blinking. Arnav missed her this look. He kissed her forehead, and she closed her eyes in response, she felt like she was in his arms after a long time. He was about to move but she held his hand. Arnav looked at her raising his eyebrow.
“I want to know how I lost my memory?
What happened in four years?” khushi asked.

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