12.Who am I?

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A man in his late twenties was playing with a cute boy of two years. They were in a park which is surrounded by greenery. The boy was enjoying ride by sitting on man's back. He was continuously giggling and that man was smiling at him.

A woman in middle twenties was watching them with a smile.

Man was coming towards that women with small boy in his arms and their face became clear.

Akshita jerked out of sleep. Yes it was her dream.

Amrita sat up seeing her panting.

“What happened akshi?
Again the same dream” amrita asked.

“No, It is a new dream” akshita replied.

“What do you mean? ” amrita asked confused.

“Nothing sleep” akshita laid down.

How can it be possible still now I only got dreams about a small boy but now a man with that boy.
That to the man is arnav sir. How can he come in my dreams and who is that boy?
Oh! god please let me know who is that boy. I am feeling like he is close to me......... Thinking akshita slept.

Next day
Arnav house:

Arnav got ready for office but avi was still sleeping. He never slept this late. He let him sleep thinking he got tired due to yesterday's playing so without waking him he got ready.

“Avi wake up it's 9 O'clock we will be very late to reach office” Arnav spoke while shaking him.

Then he felt avi was burning with fever. Immediately he phoned doctor.

Few minutes later doctor reached and checked avi.

“How is he? ” arnav questioned with impatience.

“Nothing to worry Mr. Raizada.
He has normal fever with medication and proper food he will be normal till tomorrow” doctor answered.

“Thank you doctor” arnav spoke.

Nodding at him doctor left his house.

Few minutes later avi woke moaning in plain.

“How are you feeling avi? ” arnav asked while helping him to sit properly.

“Papa my stomach is paining” avi replied.

“I will bring soup for you” saying arnav left to kitchen.

“Drink it” saying arnav kept spoon near his lips.

“No I don't want it. Its taste is bitter just like Bitter gourd” avi spoke while twisting his lips.

“But avi you need to drink it so that you can take medicines” arnav tried to make him understand.

“No I don't want it” avi spoke stubbornly.

“Ok then what should I do so that you will have it” arnav asked trying to bribe him.

Avi kept his finger on his chin and started acting like thinking.

“Avi if you will not ask in two minutes then I will force you to drink it” arnav said fed up with his acting in sickness.

“Ok then bring mamma here. I want to spend time with her” avi spoke with his weak smile.

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