24.The Someone

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Arnav frowned, seeing the person standing in front too at this time leaving the party where he was needed and that person was the someone who heard the evil sisters conversation.

"Why are you here at this time hp?
You are needed at the party" asked arnav with a frown.

"Sorry, bhai but I want to talk about something important. I don't know if you will believe me or not but I swear on my mother that what I am saying is only truth" said hp as he knew it would be difficult for Arnav to believe him.

Arnav frowned and thought why he was swearing that too on his mother and by observing the restlessness of hp. He knew he got to say something which is going to be a shock for him.

"Ok hp I will listen to you" he walked towards the poolside followed by hp.

He looked at HP, gesturing to him to talk.
"When you went to Mumbai I heard payal bhabi's phone conversation and I came to know that she was the one behind khushi bhabi's accident.....

"Then why didn't you inform me till now," asked Arnav, thinking if he informed him first they wouldn't get the chance to plan second.

"I was shocked and scared to inform anyone knowing no one will believe me but today I got to know the person who is with payal bhabhi and she was the one who mixed something in khushi bhabi's juice. I heard them arguing today" said hp with fear that he may not believe him.

"Who was it?" Arnav asked as his heart was pondering and praying that it shouldn't be his family members.

"Mallika Ji," said hp.

Arnav signed in relief that it was not from his family because sometimes he was suspicious about the sudden change in Ratna and her accepting khushi but now he was feeling guilty for suspecting his mother maybe for a few minutes.

"I believe you don't talk about it to anyone and now don't go back to the party. I will inform them that you took leave due to weakness." said arnav.

Nodding hp turned to leave but arnav stopped him.
"You heard what they were arguing?" asked arnav.

"I didn't hear much but payal bhabi's was asking Mallika Ji to leave tomorrow" replied hp.

"Thank you," said arnav.

Hp was surprised but nodded and walked away.

What must be the reason for these sisters to be behind my khushi but first I have to gather evidence against them.....thought arnav.


Khushi woke up with a heavy headache. She held her head while pressing trying to lessen the pain.
Arnav enters their room with a lemonade.

"Drink this you will get better" he handed the glass to her. She drank without any protest.

"Why is my head spinning and what happened last night I only remembered till I drank the juice?" asked khushi.

"That juice spiked with alcohol," said arnav.

"What! But who did it?" she asked, holding her head.

"I don't know but we will find out soon, get fresh up. I will bring a painkiller for you," said arnav.

He walked into the poolside and asked aman to meet him. Walking into the room he found khushi sitting on a recliner holding her head. His angry level increased knowing that he lived in hell without his khushi because of his one family members.

He handed her a painkiller. "You can have breakfast in our room," said Arnav, settling beside her.

"No, I am fine. I have to see Avi," said khushi.

Arnav nodded.


In the living room, all were requesting Mallika to stay a few more days and she was denying saying one or another reason.

It was the scene Arnav saw when he entered the dining room.

"What is happening?" asked arnav.

"Mallika wants to leave today Chotte and we are requesting her to stay some more days" answered anjali.

"Yes Mallika stays a few more days," said khushi also.

Arnav though he can keep an eye on her if she stays in rm and also he decided to close their chapter very soon as he started his preparations.

"Yes Mallika stay one week more and also I planned a surprise for the family and you are also like family so stay back," asked arnav.

Mallika smiled widely because it was the first time Arnav asked her to stay.

"Ok arnav if you say surprise then I would like to stay," said Mallika with a wide smile.

She gazed at everyone and they looked happy with her stay but payal gave her an unpleasant look but she was not bothering about her as for the first time arnav asked her to stay that means he wants her around him with this thought she was on cloud nine.

Payal dragged Mallika to her room after breakfast.

"What was the need to agree with them?" asked payal.

"Di for the first time in years, Arnav asked me to stay then how I am going to leave?" said Mallika with a smile.

"He asked you only to stay, not that he proposed to you , so why are you so happy?" came payal frustrated voice.

Mallika walked away as she was not in the mood to argue with her sister.

Payal shouted her name but it went into deaf ears.


Arnav was waiting for aman at a restaurant within a few minutes he arrived.

"Where did you go yesterday and why did you say not to inform anyone that I am coming to meet you?" asked aman.

"You were right," said Arnav, completely ignoring his questions.

"What?" asked a confused aman.

"About Khushi's accident, they were not accidents but planned accidents," said arnav.

"What!! And how did you get to know?" asked a shocked aman.

Arnav explained about his conversation with hp and Khushi's spiked drink and he showed him the video.

Aman was shocked "We should inform the police and also your family. Akash will break, he loves payal so much" said Aman, feeling sad for akash.

"Yes, but we don't have any proof against Mallika. So to gather proof I hired an investigator. He will find some clue and I am not going to leave payal and her sister" said Arnav with anger.

"Calm down arnav, four years back police closed the case without any investigation as it looked like an accident" said aman.

"Yes but this time I am not going to leave any stone unturned until they are punished" said Arnav, aman nodded.

"Ya, aman don't inform Lavanya until we find any proof to send them to jail," asked arnav.

"Ok" replied aman.

To be continued....


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