15.Shocked Raizadas

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Raizadas along with mallika settled in living room while chatting with mallika about her life.

"Aunty I think you should call arnav and order him to return as no one should stay away from their family for this long period" mallika spoke while faking innocence.

"I tried many times mallika, but he will give one or another reason" Ratna replied.

"You should force aunty then only he will listen we can't leave him to spoil his life" mallika spoke.

Before ratna can reply, they heard a voice.

"There is no need to force me" arnav spoke.

All raizadas and mallika turned towards the source of sound and found arnav seeing him their faces lift with happiness. Mallika was more than happy and her mind started to make plans to get close to arnav and avi. Ratna walked towards him.

"Chotte How are you? " ratna asked while caressing his face.

"I am fine mom" arnav spoke with a smile.

Raizadas were surprised seeing his smile as they saw his smile because of them after four years as in these four years he used smile around avi only. Ratna was on cloud nine seeing his smile and hugged him not able to control her smile and tears.

"Mom What happened?
Why are you crying? " arnav asked seeing her tears.

Arnav looked at other raizadas they were looking at them with a smile and his father was smiling with tears.

"We missed your this smile chotte" arshad spoke.

Now arnav understood meaning of his words and their happiness.

He now got to know how his family suffered seeing his lost and gloomy life. He was busy in mourning over his life that he forgot how his parents and family members suffered seeing him like a lost person and now he realized how they suffered from his ignorance.

"I am sorry mom" arnav whispered while hugging her.

"Why are you saying sorry chotte? " Ratna asked.

"For behaving like a stupid and ignoring you" arnav replied.

"No chotte I am happy that you started smiling like before and please don't let this smile to fade away" Ratna spoke.

Arnav nodded. He went to arshad and hugged him.

"I am sorry dad" arnav spoke.

"It's ok chotte I am happy for you" arshad spoke while patting his back.

He apologized to anjali and other family members. They were happy to see him like before but two persons were thinking the possible reasons for his sudden change in behavior.

"I think di arnav did our half work.
Now we can easily make Ratna aunty agree for his marriage" mallika whispered to payal.

"Yes mallika we will talk to her today itself" payal whispered.

"Saleshab if you don't mind can we know the reason for your sudden change" shyam asked.

Arnav simply smiled as avi warned him to don't spill the beans about khushi as he wanted to surprise them.

"I think you all forgot me" avi faked sadness.

"Haww mera laal how can I forget you.
You were the one who went away from me" Ratna spoke sitting on her knees.

"I am sorry dadi,
But I have a big surprise for you all" avi spoke with excitement.

"What is it? " all asked at the same time.

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