6.My Khushi

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Amrita POV:

I was on the way to my cabin after talking with akshita. When rahul our manager came to me literally running I frowned seeing him like this as our oh so called punctual manager running in the office.

“What happened rahul sir?
Why you are running like this? I asked.

“I was searching for you amrita.
Where were you? ” replied rahul sir.

“I went to have a talk with akshita about designs” I said.

“Ok let it be.
ASR is calling you. He is waiting for you in conference room” rahul sir said.

I was surprised why our boss is calling me. I didn't do anything wrong as far as I remember.

“Why he is calling me? ” I voiced.

“He wants to know about akshita and go he is waiting, and he doesn't like waiting so hurry up” rahul said.

I was shocked hearing him. What ASR want to know about akshita as far as I know our boss is short tempered but not characterless. So keeping my all thoughts aside I went to his cabin.

Arnav POV:

I was pacing the length of conference room nervously. I don't know what her friend will say and truly I don't know what I am going to ask her but one thing is sure I need to know the truth.

I came out of my thoughts with a knock on the door. I shouted come in.

As the door opened came a girl I think she is amrita. She came and stood in front of a desk where I was sitting.

“Take your site miss. amrita” I said.

Nodding she settled herself.

“So I will not be beating around the bush I will ask direct questions and I except true answers” I said.

She looked at me which confusion but nevertheless nodded.

“I want to know complete information of akshita” I questioned.

She looked at me with slightly angry expression but didn't give me an answer. I got angry.

“Answer me dammit” I shouted.

She looked frightened with my sudden increased pitch but what can I do I am getting restless and top of it she is sitting silently.

“I am sorry. Please tell me about akshita” I asked in a low voice not showing my restlessness.

“Sir, why do you want to about akshita if she did anything wrong I am saying sorry on behalf of her” said amrita.

She is testing my patience.

“Just tell me from when you know akshita” I asked ignoring her previous answer.

She looked confused but answered this time.

“From last four years” she replied.

Khushi accident also happened four years ago.

“How you meet her for the first time? ” I asked my heart is beating like I am running continuous from ages.

Now she was looking at me unsure to answer or not so before she came up with a lie I said.

“I want to know the truth or else you have to face the consequences. I have other ways to know the truth if you lie to me” I threatened her.

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