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Jungkooks POV

I was in the booth with my biker buds. I listened to them as they played truth or dare like 5-year-old. Telling each other to do or say stupid things for entertainment. I took a puff from my cigarettes and sighed. I glanced over and spotted the blond hair beauty that was at the diner often. He would always come and read and order a strawberry milkshake. I never understood how he found it fun, reading was boring. I watched as his eyes scanned the pages of the books, his lips wrap around the straw that was in the milkshake. God what I could do to those lips... wait what the fuck am I thinking. I shake my head and look away.

"what were you looking over they're for Jeon." Yoongi said with a raised eyebrow.

"he's looking at that blond beauty he always watches." Chanyeol says with a chuckle.

"shut the fuck up or I will choke slam you into the wall," I say with a growl.

I roll my eyes as they laugh.

"hey Jungkook, truth or dare," Sehun says with a smile.

"I'm not playing your dumbass game," I say, and I take another puff of my cigarette.

"come on, don't be a pussy." Yoongi says.

I really don't want to play their game but maybe one round will shut them up.

"fine, dare." I say as I blow out the smoke into the air.

I sat there as they snicker and whispered to each other. I watched them look over at me, sick smirks on their faces.

"I dare you to go kiss that beauty over there." Chanyeol said with a smirk.

I watch his finger point to the small beauty the I was thinking about earlier.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"really." I say annoyed. They all nod their heads.

I took another puff of smoke and climb out of the booth. Let's get this over with.

I walk over the invisible line and made my way over to the blond-haired boy. I stood in front of his booth for a second, I felt like the whole dinners eyes were on me except his. The other beauty's eyes were wide. I leaned down and rested my elbows on the table and grabbed his milkshakes and put the straw in my mouth, I sucked and let the sweet taste of strawberry fill my mouth.

"Baekhyunnnn I told you to ask before you drink my milkshake-." he froze when he looked up and met my eyes. His bright blue eyes met my dark drown ones.

Since I was closer I could see his features more. He was very pretty, too pretty. I smile with the straw still in my mouth.

"hey their beautiful." I say as I move closer. He was like a deer in headlights, he didn't move.

"W-what do y-you want." He stutters out.

I lean forward and lightly grab his chen and pull his closer to me. I leaned forward and connected our lips. He tasted like strawberries. His lips were soft and plump. I pull away and chuckle. Before I could speak my eyes widened with shock. I saw tears in his eyes, his face was red and covered with anger and confusion.

"what T-the h-hell." He said with a shaky voice. Before I knew it he got up and ran out of the diner.

I didn't know why but I ran after him, I could hear my friends yelling behind me, but I didn't stop, I followed him out of the bar. I felt bad and I have never felt like this before.

Hope you all like it so far, love ya <3

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