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Jungkooks POV
(Agin Lol)

I was awakened by a loud crash of thunder, the window shook. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed. The whole room lit up from the flash of lighting outside. I got up to walked to the bathroom, I opened the door, as I walked down the hallway a huge flash of lighting lit up the hallway and follows by a huge crash of thunder, I heard a tiny squeak. It came from Taehyung's room. I stopped in front of his cracked door. Another flash of lighting lit the house up and I saw a bump under the covers on his bed. The crash of thunder shook the house and the bump squeaked and flinched under the white silk covers. I felt my heart drop when I herd tiny sobs, it was very quiet due to the loud rain hitting the window. I lightly pushed open the door, I walked over to the bed.

"Taehyung are you ok?" I say in a whisper.

I didn't get an answer, but the sobs soften. I leaned down and pulled the blanket down to revill a curled-up Taehyung. The room was dark, but I could see his red puffy eyes from all the crying. His blue eyes sparkled form the tears.

"Tae why are you crying-" My question was answered when lighting lit up the room, I saw his eyes widen and when the load boom of thunder shook the room the scared blond jumped up and lunged at me, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I could feel his body shaking against mine. I wrapped my arms around him as he cried into my chest.

"shhhhhh baby, its ok." I softly rub his blond hair. "I'm here now you're safe." I whisper and lean down and kiss his head.

I sat down on the bed and pulled him to straddle my lap. He hid his face in the crook of my neck as he continued to cry and hugged me for dear life.

Another rumble of thunder shook the windows and he hugged me tighter, I could feel his heavy breath on my neck.

I didn't know how to calm him down. I have an idea, maybe it will work.

I lean down and began to softly kiss his shoulder, sweet and slow. I moved up to his neck and kissed below his ear. I could hear his breathing calm down and his grip loosened. It was working.

I slowly slid my hands up his waist as I nibbled on his neck. I heard him let out a whiney breath. I smirked and made the blue-eyed boy look at me. I could still see his flustered cheeks in the dark room. I wiped the tears away as a flash of lightning lit up the dark room and leaned forward and connected our lips. I pulled him closer and deepen the kiss as the thunder rumbled. He didnt react to the thunder, he was focused on us. He let out a small whine as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I started to slowly undo his pajama top. Our lips moved at a fast pace as he ran his hands through my hair. I slid my hand up his exposed side as I slid my tongue into his mouth. He let out a moan into the kiss. I felt his hand start to grip my shirt and pull it up. I break the kiss as I pull my shirt off. A flash of lighting flew through the room and he grabbed my face quickly and smashed our lips together. I bit his bottom lip and then moved down to lick his jawline. I felt him rub his soft hand down my stomach, he slowly ran his finger over my abs. I started to suck on his neck, teasing and biting the soft sweet skin. As the thunder rumbled I turned around and laid him on the bed. I slowly started to kiss down his body. The room was dark, but I could still see his perfect body, his small waist, his white soft skin, he was perfect. I kissed his belly and I hooked my fingers around the waist band of his pajama bottoms. I paused to make sure that it was ok if I continued. He looked down me with his blue needy eyes, he slid his hand on mine and moved it down to place my hand on his crotch.

"P-please?" He whimpers out as lightning filled the room.

I didn't hesitate to remove his pants. I felt myself getting excited as he lets out a small moan. I slid between his legs and slowly licked and sucked on his small thighs. He let out little whimpers. I slid down his boxers, he whined and covered his red face. I quietly giggled.

I wasn't going to take it to far, I didn't want to rush him. I wrap my hand around his member and start to move my hand as I nibble and suck on his inner thigh. He lets out a breathy moan as a bright flash of lighting filled the dark room, the light showed the blond boy arching his back at the sinful pleasure. I wrap my lips around the head of his member, slowly swirling my tongue around the tip. I looked up as he intertwined his hands in my black locks. I took him whole, forcing him down my throat.

"ahh J-jungkook-" his body was shaking and he was a moaning mess.

I wanted to hear him moan my name again, I wanted to hear him scream it. I ran my hand up his body and put two fingers in his mouth, I felt his tongue swirl around my fingers and he moaned.

I pulled my fingers out of his mouth as I bobbed my head.

His small hands griped the bed sheets and he let out needy moans.

I sucked harder as I slowly pushed one of my finger into his tight hole. He arched his back as he let out a squeak. I moved my finger in and out as I bobbed my head. His moans and whines were music to my ears. I pushed my fingers in deeper and curled them.

"mmm k-kookie holy-" his breath got heavier, I felt his hand tighten around my hair.

"I-im c-close" He choked out through a breathy moan. When I heard those words, I picked up the pace, I pushed my fingers in faster. As the thunder shook the windows, the blue-eyed boy arched his back as he screamed my name. I felt his warm liquid fill my mouth, it was sweet like him. I looked up and him, he was breathing heavily, his eyes were filled with lust and tiredness. I kiss his stomach and walked out of the room to get a wash cloth. When I walked back in, the smaller was passed out, his breath calmed as he let out small snores. I ran the warm wash cloth over his sweat and cum covered stomach, trying my best to be gentle so I wouldn't wake the sleeping beauty. I finished and realized my little friend was wide awake, I sighed. I kissed Tae's forehead and pulled his blanket over him. I walked to the bathroom to take care of myself. The storm calmed down, there was only tiny rumbles. I didnt even hear them as my mind was filled with the sinful yet sweet moans of the blue-eyed beauty.

There will be a full smut scene later in the book but I hoped y'all sinners liked it hehe. Love ya.

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