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Third person POV

The biker and the beauty could hear yelling as they ran out of the back room and out to where Donghae was. Their eyes landed on the nervous face of the older male as he looked it the door.

He looked over at the two with a sigh.

"Kook I really hope this wasn't your father..... agin." The black haired man said with a sigh.

He looked at the blond beauty and then to Jungkook.

"You can't stop him on your own Jungkook but maybe you can together."

Taehyung smiled and then looked at his new boyfriend.

"We will do our best."

Donghae smiled at the couple.

"Just please be careful."

"We will, thank you and love you uncle." Jungkook said before he grabbed Taehyung's hand and ran into the raging streets.

Fear filled the blond boy's body, he tried his best to stay strong but he was scared.

Jungkook looked over to the blue eyed boy and saw him slightly shaking in fear as his eyes filled with the hectic streets.

"It's ok to be scared Tae, I'm scared to." The biker said as he held the boy's hand tighter.

Tae looked up at the biker and felt safe, he felt better.

"We have you go find Yeonjun." The Black haired boy said.

Taehyung nodded and then they began to run.

They made it through the raging streets alive. They both ran into Jungkook's house and looked around.

Mr. Jeon was no were to be found.

"YEONJUN." Jungkook yelled out.

The both heard a little yell come from upstairs and dash towards the noise.

They could here weak cries coming from inside the boy's room. Jungkook quickly remove the chair that was blocking the door.

Once the door was open it revealed a sobbing Yeonjun. The little boy instantly ran into his big brother's arms hugging him for dear life.

"K-kookie what's wrong with Daddy." The little boy sniffed out.

"H-he said he loved me and t-then locked me in the room."

Jungkook held his baby brother tightly and Taehyung joined.

"TaeTae." The little boy cried out and reached his arms out towards the blue eyed beauty.

Jungkook let the 7 year old go and he ran into the beauty's arms. He could see the worry in Taehyungs eyes and he held the little boy.

"We need to leave." The biker said.

Tae nodded and picked up the little biker.

They jogged out of the house. Tae put the little boy's head in his neck and covered his head, he didn't want the younger to be more scared than he already is.

Jungkook walked in front of the beauty and his brother.

They quickly made it to the center of the town where a crowd of people swarm.

"Jungkook is it safe to bring him here?" Taehyung asked with worry.

Jungkook knew it would be dangerous but it was a risk worth taking to stop this mess.

The biker nodded and pulled them through the crowd of bikers. They made it to the front and on the other side was a group of beauties fighting back.

Taehyung held the shaking boy tightly. He whispered in the boys ear to tried to calm him down but the loud screaming didn't work.

Jungkook looked back at the beauty, his blue eyes were wide.

Jungkook followed the boys gaze and he soon noticed why his boys was in shock.

It was him.

In the middle of the riot.

He held a beauty with one hand and then smashed him into the ground.

It was none other than Jungkook's dad.

He started it......... again.

Oooooo what's going to happen next Heheheh. Love ya <3

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