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Taehyung POV

I ran out of the diner. I was so done with bikers and their stupid games they like to play on me. I feel like I'm the main target to their sick games and of course Jeon Jungkook, the most known kid in our town was messing with me, Great. I whip the tears out of my eyes as I continue to walk fast away from the diner. I hear someone yelling hey behind me. I turn around and see Jungkook running towards me. I froze, what does he want from me.

"hey-." He says when he reaches me, but I cut him off.

"please leave me alone..." I say as I slowly back away.

I looked up and met his eyes and he was confused.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He says as he walked towards me.

I didn't say anything and then just turned around a walked away. I didn't believe he was sorry, he's a biker, why would he apologize.

"Hey wait." I hear him say behind me.

"Just leave me alone, I don't want to be a player in your little game." I say as I keep walking.

"it was a dumbass dare that my stupid friends made me to do, I'm sorry." He says as he follows me.

I sigh and stop, I feel tears fill my eyes again and turn

"You can drop the nice act, do whatever you want to me, beat me up, take my money, just get it over with." I say in a shaky voice.

I look at him through my watery eyes and he was in shock.

"what... I'm not going to do anything to you, I just wanted to apologies." He said as he looked at me.

I acutely could tell that he was telling the truth. I was surprised that a biker acutely had heart.

"ok, I'm going to leave now." I say as I walk away quickly. My head was a mess I just wanted to go home and sleep and not think about anything. I heard screaming and I regained my senses and heard the sound of a car horn, I looked to my left and saw a car heading full speeding towards me. I froze, holy crap I'm going to die. I closed my eyes.

I felt something wap its self around me and I fell but I didn't hit the ground. I open my eyes and gasp. Jungkook was laying under me. His eyes were closed, did the fall nock him out. I here cussing behind make and turn around and see the car drive away, I didn't care I was concerned if Jungkook was ok.

"Jungkook a-are you ok." I say as I lightly shake him. He didn't respond.

"Please be ok, i-im so sorry." I feel tears fill my eyes.

I leaned my forehead down on his chest and cried, this was all my fault.

I open my eyes we I felt his chest move and hear small laughs. I look up and met his dark eyes.

I glared at him, he was awake this whole time.

"sorry." He said with a small laugh.

I look away and climb off of him and stand up. I watch as he stands up and I hear him let out a little hiss.

He takes off his leather jacket and I gasped as I saw a lot of blood on his lower back, it must have been from the fall.

"lift up your shirt." I say as I walk behind him.

"what-." He says but I cut him off.

"just do it, your bleeding a lot." I say as I look at him.

He surprisingly listens and lifts the back of it. I bight my thumbnail as I see the bleeding cuts on his back. I also noticed his hands were cut to. This was my fault.

𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘴 (𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬)Where stories live. Discover now