
365 11 4

Jungkooks POV

It was hot outside, way too hot. I roasted outside the bike shop as I worked on my bike. The hot sun burning my skin. I smile as Taehyung crosses my mind. I'm glad we made up, I didnt like him ignoring me. I still feel like an asshole, he was hurting because of me. I never wanted to see him cry. I ran my finger through my sweaty hair and sigh.

I hear a familiar voice

"U-um is Jeon J-Jungkook here?" I hear the voice stutter out.

"Yeah hes out back" I hear my boss say.

"T-thank you." I hear the voice say.

I look back at my bike and continue to clean the rims. I see a figure in the corner of my eye and I look up. I smile when my eyes met the bright blue ones.

"Thank god you're here, I thought I was going to die while walking here." Taehyung said with a sigh as he walked over to me.

I chuckle and stand up in front of him.

The bright sun made his eyes sparkle, he hair looked golden. God he's beautiful.

"What brings you here?" I say with a raised eyebrow. I wiped the oil off my hands.

"Oh I wanted to return your jacket." The blond says ad he looks at me, holding the leather in his hands.

"Ah I almost forgot about that thing. I say as I take it.

"I washed it, hope you don't mind." He says shyly.

I smile and lightly grab his chin, so he is looking at me.

"I dont mind at all cutie." I say with a smile.

I watch his cheeks turn pink.

I chuckle and lean down and peck his lips.

He smiles and wipes a bead of sweat off my face.

I grab and him and pull him closer and he giggles and tries to push me away.

"Get off you're all sweaty." He says with a giggle.

I laugh and pull him closer. He giggles and tries to pry my hands off him.

"Kookie stop." He says with a laugh.

I stop and giggle. I look at him.

"I dont know if I like that nickname, my family calls me that." I say with a giggle.

"What do you want me to call you then?"  He says with a smile.

I smirk and lean closer to him.

"How about daddy?" I say.

I watch him blush and he hits my chest.

"Oh, be quiet."  He says with a giggle.

I chuckle and let him go. I grab a rag and whip the sweat off my forehead. I was too hot, so I take off my tank top and throw it next to my bike.

I look over at Tae. His cheeks were red, and he was trying his best to look away. I quietly chuckle.

"Don't be afraid to look, I work out for a reason." I say as I lay the rag on my shoulder.

His cheeks turn more red. He looks up and we make eye contact and I see his eyes wander down to my stomach. I see him lightly bight his lip. I smirk and lick my lips. I walk over to him, his eyes were still glued to my abs. I lean down.

"You can touch them if you want." I whisper in his ear. I feel him shiver and he slowly moves his hands up, I feel his finger tips touch my stomach. We heard a loud cling sound and Tae jerked his hand away quickly.

"It was just someone dropping a tool." I say as I push a piece of hair out of his eyes.

He looks at me and nods. I look and him, he wasn't sweating, he looked perfect.

"How the hell are not sweating?" I say as I rest my hand on my hip.

He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know, I just dont ever sweat." He says quietly.

I chuckle and run my fingers through my hair.

"God you beauties are just perfect." I say with a smile.

I hear my name being yelled inside.

"Well I will leave you to your work." The blond says with a smile.

I walk him out to the front.

"I'll see you later cutie." I say as I grab his hand and kiss it.

He blushes and walks out. He turned back and smiles cutely. I fell my heart beat faster. I giggle and walk to my boss.

"Jungkook, you need to be careful with him." My boss said.

"What do you mean Donghae?" I ask as I look at him with a puzzled expression

"You know how your father is with beauties." He says as he rests his elbows on the counter.

I sigh and nod.

"I'm just trying to look out for you Kook." He says as he ruffles my hair.

"I know." I say with a smile.

"Take this out back for me." Donghae says as he hands me a box.

I nod and grab it, I walk back out. I smile when I see my leather jacket on my bike. I sit the box down and pick the jacket up. I bring it to my face and smell it, the sweet smell of tea fills my nose. I sigh and sit on my bike. What is that boy doing to me?

I love super junior lol so I had to add Donghae. Hope you liked the chapter, love ya

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