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Taehyung POV

The bright sun light coming from my window woke me up. I rolled over nuzzled my face into the leather jacket, the smell of Jungkook filled my nose. I smile and sigh.

I rub my eyes and sit up. I get up and began to get ready. When I'm done I walk into the kitchen and grab a muffin then I hear the wall phone ring. I walk over and answer it.

"Hey tae tae, go to the diner in 5 minutes, we are meeting jimin there." Baekhyun says.

"ugh fine see you there." I say and then I hang up. I really didn't want to go but I did want to see jimin.

I walk out the door and lock it. I head to the diner. I saw a group of bikers ahead of me. I look down to avoid eye contact. A Shiver ran up my spine as I walked pass them, their dominance loomed over my body. I walked faster, I just waned to get to the diner as fast as I could.

I finally made it to the diner, I walked in and saw jimin and baekhyun waving me over to them. I walk over, I glance over to the bikers' side. My heart jumps when I see Jungkook. I looked away with flustered cheeks and continued to walk towards my friend. I sat down at the booth and was hugged tightly by jimin.

"Taeeeee I missed you so much!" the pink haired boy said as he hugged me tightly.
I smile and pull away and look at him.

"I missed you to chim chim, hows life." I say with a smile.

He sight and rolls his eyes.

"Stressful, I have just been so busy that's why I didn't have anytime to hang with you all." Jimin say as he looks at me and baekhyun.

"its ok Jimin, we understand." Baekhyun said with a smile. I nod In agreement.

"Thanks guys." He says with a smile.

"Sorry to interrupt but what would you all like to eat." I look at and see the waiter. He was cute, he had a sweet smile, his brown hair was fluffy. I could tell he was a little shy.

"Oh um can I have a strawberry milkshake please." I say with a smile, I watch as his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. He nods and take the other boys orders.

"That will be out in a few." He says with a sweet smile.
I look at baekhyun and jimin and we all giggle.

"Why are you so pretty tae, everyone falls in love the instant they see you." Jimin says with a wine.

I giggle and sigh. I am very blessed with my looks, I have always been told I was very beautiful, but its not always a good thing. Some people just want me for my looks and not who I truly am.

"He must be new here." Baekhyun says with a giggle.

I nod.

I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I glance over and see Jungkook with a girl on his lap. I bite my cheek as I watched her lean down and connect their lips. I feel my heart drop and I look away. Everything that happened last night, all the joy and love faded from my heart. I guess I was just a toy for him.

Baekhyun could tell something was wrong with me, I'm easy to read.

"Tae what's wrong-" before he could finish he looks over and saw what I saw.

I feel him grab my hand and he looked at me with sympathy.
Jimin was confused so baekhyun explained, I nibbled on my nail as I refused to look over there.

Jimin started to rub my back.

"I'm sorry tae but what did you expect, he's a biker." Jimin says. "I know how you feel."

I look over at him with a raised eyebrow.

He sighs and smiles weakly.

"See the mint green haired biker over there?" Baekhyun and I look over and see the biker leaning back in the booth, he had a cigarette in his mouth.

"Well me and him used to mess around." Jimin said shyly, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"What!!" me and baekhyun both say loudly.

Jimin nods and giggles.

"I regret it, I caught feelings and I thought he liked me too but then one day I saw him getting frisky with some girl and I haven't talked to him since." Jimin says.

"Just be careful tae, don't let him treat you like shit, you're to pretty for that." Jimin says as he pinches my cheek.

I giggle and pull his hand away.
I look over when I see a glass full of my favorite pink liquid being slid towards me. I look up at the tall cute boy. He looked back and smiled shyly. I smile at him and he turns red. I laugh and so do baekhyun and jimin.

"S-sorry, you're just really pretty." He stutters out, his cheeks were the color of cherries.

"Aw thanks, I think you're cute too." I say with a smile. His eyes widen and he turns more red.

We all giggle and simile at him.

"Are you new here?" Baekhyun asks.

"Y-yes I am, I just moved here due to my fathers business." He says was a smile.

We all 'oh' and smile.

"What's your name."

"Oh my name is Yunho." He says sweetly.

"Well nice to meet you Yunho, I'm Taehyung and that's baekhyun and jimin." I say.
He bows and says "Nice to meet you all."

We all bow back and giggle.

"I'm actually starting at the high school tomorrow." He says shyly.

We all smile.

"Oh really, I will try and find you and you can sit with us at lunch and I can give you a tour of the school." I say as I smile.
He looks at us with wide eyes.

"R-really?" He says surprised.
I giggle and nod.

"Ok I will try and find you." He says with a big smile, it was cute.

"Sounds like a plan." I say and wink at him.

He giggles and we all heard his name being called from behind the counter.

"Well I have to go, thank you again." He says was a bow.

"No problem, nice meeting you." We all say as we wave.

"Cute." We all say as we giggle.
I sigh and glance over to the bikers side. All the happiness drains from me when I see Jungkook sliding his big hands up the girl's thighs.
I look away quickly. I look at the boys and I see the worry in their eyes.

"Let's go." Jimin says.
I nod and we all leave the money on the table. As I walk out the door I didn't dare look back.

Oh kookie is in some deep shit now lol.

I added yunho because I have been obsessed with ATEEZ recently and his my bias wrecker and he is such a cutie so I had to add him. He's so soft uwu. See you all in the next chapter, love ya <3

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