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I hope you don't mind me writing in third person point of view. It's just easier for me.

Third person POV

Things changed in that town. It was like everyone changed along with it.

No more line dividing the beauties and the bikers. No more hate. Only acceptance.

Of course they were people who didn't agree but they were ignored and shut down pretty quick.

The town was finally filled with love and not hate.

Jungkook fixed himself in the the mirror as Taehyung watched the nervous boy fix his button up shirt with shaky hands.

The beauty let out a tiny giggle as he watched his boyfriend.

Jungkook jumped when he felt a small pair of hands wrapped around his waist.

"Kookie there is no need to be so nervous, my mom already knows about you." The blond said as he rested his chin on his boyfriend shoulder.

"I know but I'm still nervous to meet her!" Jungkook said as he turned around and looked at the smaller boy.

"She will love you Jungkook." Taehyung said as he fixed the bikers collar.

They heard a knock on a door followed by a cute little voice.

"Taetae we are here."

The beauty smiled and as soon as he open the door he was tackled in a warm hug but a sweet little boy.

"Well hi to you too Yeonjun." Tae giggles out as he hugged back. He soon stands back up when he notices the tall figure in front of him.

"Hello mr. jeon." Taehyung said and bowed.

"Hello Taehyung, I hope we're not too early." The older man said.

"Not not at all, come on in. My mother should be here in a bit." The beauty said with a smile.

The man nodded and walked over to hang his coat up.

Jungkook looked over at his boyfriend and smiled at him.

After the riot his father completely changed. He had shown the light of forgiveness and love.

It took a while for him to get used to his son's boyfriend but every day got better when he saw the love that burned in their eyes for each other. He grew to love the beauty like his other son.

A few minutes past and the doorbell rang and the blond boy instantly jumped up and ran to the door he threw it open, and with a cry of joy jumped into his mom's arms.

"Oh my baby boy I missed you so much." Mrs. Kim said with a cry as she hugged her boy tightly.

" I missed you more Mom." The blond said.

The both pulled away and smiled at each other.

"God you've gotten so big." Taehyungs mom said as she pinched his cheeks. The boy giggled.

They both could feel 3 pairs of eyes on them. Taehyung pulled away and turned around and looked at his boyfriend who was trying to hide how nervous he was.

"Mom this is my boyfriend Jungkook." Taehyung said with a smile.

" it's very nice to meet you Mrs.Kim."   The biker said as he bowed.

"Hello Jungkook, i've heard so much about you ." The woman said with a giggle and walked up to the tall boy and hugged him tightly. Jungkook was a bit shocked but instantly hugged back too.

The woman pulled away suddenly and intensely stared at the boy in front of her.

Jungkook gulped as he watched the woman's I scan over his body.

" I never knew you had such good taste hun, He's a very handsome young boy but it might take a while for me to get used to all the tattoos." She smiled out.

Taehyung laughed as walked up the them. He slid his hand into the bikers and smile. The taller smiled back.

"And you must be the father of the handsome boy." Taehyung's mother said as she walked up and shook the man's hand.

"Yes I am in this is my other son Yeonjun." The older biker said.

The little boy smiled and waved adorably making the woman's heart flutter a little.

"I want to apologize for my past mistakes. I wish I could take them all back, I'm sorry for the pain I caused you and your family." Mr. Jeon said as he bowed.

"You are forgiven, we all make mistakes because we are human, it was in the past so let's just focus on the future." The woman said with a smile.

And the biker smiled back.

The couple watched as their parents interacted, The living room was filled with laughter and smiles as they got to know each other better.

Soon dinner rolled around and they were all surrounding the large dining room table. They munch down on the delicious food that the biker and the beauty made together.

The night went just how they wanted it to go, perfect.

Only a few more chapters left heheh.

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