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Jungkook's POV

I parked my Motorcycle outside the school and sighed, I didn't want to go to class. Just another day of hell. I walk in and the halls get loader. As I walk through the hallways I here my name leave the students lips with excitement, some of them I didn't even know but they liked to act like they did. I smile at them, fist pumping some of the other bikers'. I go to my locker and get the stuff I need. I froze when a familiar smell filled my nose, the smell of strawberry's. I turn my head and see the beauty I messed around with yesterday. I was going to say hi, but I never got his name. fuck I'm so dumb. I watched him walk away and sighed again.

I fell to small arms wrap around my waist. I turn my head and see jennie smiling at me.

"oppaaaaa." She says as he flutters her eye lashes at me.

"hi jennie." I says as I close my locker and pull her off of me.

"oppaaa lets go to the bathroom." She whines.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"jennie is 8 in the morning." I say as I lean on my locker.

"but I'm board." She said as he walked her fingers up my chest.

I rolled my eyes, maybe it will help me through the day.

Next thing I know jennie is pinned between my arms. She slides her tongue in my mouth as we kiss. I grab her hip and she let out a little squeak. She tasted of candy and I didn't like it, that's not what I wanted, I was craving strawberries. I pull away, I was done, and she was boring me.

"I have to get to class." I say as I walk out of the bathroom.

I could here her whining my name behind me but I didn't stop. I whipped my lips off and walked to class. I walk in and see Chanyeol making out with some random chick. I roll my eyes and walk over.

The girl pulled away and looked at me. I stared blankly at her and raised my eyes brow and she got the hint and got off Chanyeol and walked away. Chanyeol glared at me as I sat down and leaned back, propping my feet on the desk.

"what the fuck man." Chanyeol says with a growl.

"don't make out in my seat."

"I see you had some action today." He said as he pointed at my lip.

"yeah, nothing new." I say as I sigh, I could tell this wasn't going to be a good day.

"hey where were you last night man, you ran out after that beauty and never came back." sehun said as he approached us.

What was I supposed to tell them, yeah I had a heated make out session with a Beauty last night at his huge house. No way I am telling them that.

"I just went on a walk, that's all. I was done with you children." I say with a smile.

"fuck you." The both say with a laugh as the punch me on the shoulder.

"what happen to your hand." Sehun asked.

"I got into a fight." I lied and looked at my hands.

I heard I familiar voice and I looked up, I saw the blond hair beauty walk in. he smiled as he talked to his friend. i never knew I had a class with him, well I never pay attention so I'm not surprised.

I watched him sit down, his friend made him laugh and his cute giggles filled the class. i guess he felt me staring at him and he looked over at me, he smiles and looks away. Its like I was shot with a bullet of happiness. What the hell. His smile is so cute.

I grunt and lean my head back and sigh. I the teacher walks in and starts talking. I frown, there goes my happiness.

I sit their board out of my mind as the teacher talks.

"Baekho do you know the answer." The teacher asks the biker.

"no I actually don't." he said was attitude.

"the answer is 110,201,033." The blond beauty said quietly.

"that is correct, thank you Taehyung." The teacher said. So his name is Taehyung, fits him.

"trying to one up me bitch." The biker said with a growl.

"n-no I was-."

"SHUT THE HELL UP. I will make you regret-" I balled my fist.

"hey Baekho, how about you shut the hell up." I say as I glare at him. i could tell Taehyung was scared by the threat and I wasn't going to just sit there and let it happen. I may be a biker, but I don't like bullying.

"what did you say-."

"HEY, I will kick you both out of my class of you don't stop." The teacher yelled.

Baekho growled and looked away. I sigh and look at the beauty, we make eye contact and he mouths thank you. I smile back and mouth no problem.

The bell rang and I packed up my stuff. I walked out and headed to lunch, I sat down and sighed.

"were the hell is everyone." Chanyeol says with confusion.

"I don't know." Sehun said.

We all turn are heads to a yelling in the hallway.

Girls run by.

"hurry we will miss the fight." The said as they ran towards the noise.

We all look at each other and get up and run to the fight. I push my way through the crowed and froze when I say Baekho grab Taehyungs hair and slam him into a locker. i clinged my fist when I heard the beauty whine form the pain. I wanted to wipe that sick smirk off baekho's face.

"shut it pretty boy." Baekho said was he pulled Taehyung back and then slammed him into the locker again. I saw the tears running down the blond's face. I couldn't take it anymore.

"HEY." I yell and everyone's eyes turn to me.

"oh look who decided to show up, Mr. popular." Baekho said as he looked at me.

I roll my eyes, I hate being called that, it pisses me off even more.

"let him go and I will spare you." I say as I glare at him.

"wow I'm so scared. What are you going to do." Baekho said as he grabbed Taehyungs blond hair tighter, making him whimper in pain.

"I said stop you asshole." I said with a growl.

"come on Jeon, do your worst." Baekho say with a smirk and he motions me to come to him. well he did ask for it so why don't I give it to him.

I run forward and slug him in the face. The crowed yells excitement. Baekho lets go of Taehyung and stumbles back. I caught the beauty before he fell.

"are you ok." I ask as I held him in my arms. He nods, I could feel him shaking in my arms.

"JUNGKOOK LOOK OUT." I here someone screamed and I turn my back and take a blow to my sholder.

I let out a grunt and turn around and look at Baekho. I feel Taehyung being pulled out of my arms.

I look back and see another beauty grabbing him.

"I got him." It was the boy that was with him earlier, I nod my head and give the shaking beauty to him.

I pull away and turn around to face Baekho. I was so fired up. I run and tackled him to the ground. He gets one good hit on my face, busting my noes. Climbed on top of him and socked him in the face. He pushed me off of him and we both stood up. I spit the blood out of my mouth. He ran at me he threw a fist but I blocked he. I heard yelling being me, I felt myself being pulled back and I saw Baekho being grabbed by teacher. I growled, great the teacher found out. I'm fucked

I hope your all are liking this so far. Love ya <3

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