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Jungkook's POV

I was in his house for the second time, it still smelled sweet.

I was afraid to sit on the white couch, I didn't want to get anything on it so I just stood there. I was more afraid to meet his family. Will they like that I'm a biker?

I flinch when I felt a hand on my arm and I look over and its just Tae.

"why are you so tense?" He says as he looks at me, concern fills his eyes.

"I'm just scared to meet your parents."He giggles and grabs my hand.

"My parents aren't home." He says as he plays with my fingers.

It was 8 oclock, where could they be at this hour?

"Where are they?"

"My mom lives in Tokyo." I watch his face become sad. "and my dad is dead." He said weakly.

I felt my heart drop. I'm a dumbass.

"O-oh Tae im sorry I shouldn't have asked."

"No no its fine, I wanted you to know so you don't have to worry." The blond says as he grabs my hand

"My mom passed away too." I say as I push a piece of hair behind his ear.

His blue eyes softened, and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and, I put my nose in his blond locks and inhaled his sweet scent. I wanted to change the topic, I didn't want him to be sad.

"Do you mind if I hop in the shower?"

"Yeah it's fine, I will grab you a towel." He says with a sweet smile. He leads me to the shower and hands me a towel and then leaves the bathroom.

I turned on the shower, the hot water hit my skin. I closed my eyes and leaned my head under the water, trying my best not to let my thoughts get the best of me. It's really just going to be me and him in this huge house alone.

Just us.

My cheeks heat up, I splash my face with the water, I can't let my mind wander to that.

I step out of the steamy shower. I looked over at my clothes on the floor. Shit I don't have anything to wear.

I wrap the soft white towel around my waist and walk out the bathroom. A wonderful smell filled my nose and I walked towards the kitchen.

I see the blond beauty in front of the stove. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist softly.

He flinches a little bit, he turns his blond head back to look at me, his blue eyes met mine.

"How was your shower?" He asks with a smile and then turned his head back to focus on cooking.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck, I smelled his sweet scent of strawberries.

"It was good." I mumble into his neck.

He giggles and turns his head and softly kisses my wet hair. My cheeks heat up and I look at him. His cheek were dusted with pink. I see his eyes glance up and down my body.

"Oh you need clothes." he says as he pulls away. I pout and nod.

He giggles and grabs my hand and walks me down the huge hallway and into the master bedroom.

The bed was neatly made, and the room looked like it hadn't been used in a long time. He walked to a large closet and walked out with a black t-shirt, boxers, and some pajama pants.

"Thank god my mom kept my father's clothes, these should fit you." The blue-eyed boy says as he looks at me.

I take the clothes from him.

"I'm going to go change." He says and walks out.

I smile and slide on the clothes, they fit pretty well.

I walk back into the kitchen and look out the large window. It kind of looks like its going to storm.

I hear light footsteps behind me, I turn around and see Tae in silky pink pajamas. I giggle.

"W-what?" He says as his cheeks turn red.

"Nothing, you're just too cute." I giggle.

I look back at the dark sky outside and then back at the blond.

"I think we might get some bad weather." As the words left my lips I could see a glint of fear in his eyes and he nodded and walked back to the stove.

"Hope you like Ramen." He says.

I nodded, I was confused but I didn't say anything.

We make small talk as we eat the Ramen.

"There is a guest room across from my room." He says as he gets up and tells me to follow him.

As we walk up the stairs I let out a quiet sigh, I really wanted to sleep with him.

He showed me the room, it was huge.

I look back at him, I could tell something was wrong.

"Tae are you ok?" He looks and me and nods his head.

I know he's lying

"W-well goodnight." He says and walks into his room.

I sigh and shut the door and climb in bed. Before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep. What was wrong with him?

The next chapter will have some slight smut in it heheh so be ready you little siners haha, love ya <3

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