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Taehyungs POV

I could see the bright morning sun light through my eyelids. I opened my eyes slowly and my blue orbs met a broad tattoo laced chest. I looked up and my eyes met the sleeping face of Jungkook, his broad arms held me against him tightly. I felt my cheeks heat up as the memories from last night filled my mind. I bit my lip as I thought about all the pleasure the biker gave me. I traced the tattoo on his chest with my finger, his tan skin was soft. I snuggled closer, burying my nose in his ink covered skin. His masculine smell filled my nose. I softly kissed his chest. I felt the broad arms tighten around my body. I looked up and met Jungkook's dark sleepy eyes.

"Good morning." His voice was deeper and raspier than usual due to the sleep.

I felt my cheeks heat up again. I watch a smile form on his face showing his white teeth.

"How did you sleep?" he asks with a yawn.

He slicks his big hands through my blond hair as he looks at with his dark brown eyes.

"Good t-thanks to you." I stuttered out, I could feel my heart racing.

"Good." He leans down and lightly kisses my head.

"I guess I should just sleep here now." He says with a giggle as he pulls me closer. I giggle and nod.

As I snuggle in closer I fell something brush against my thing under the covers. My face heats up and I look up at him.

"W-were you o-ok last night, I would of h-helped if I didnt fall asleep-." I was cut off by Jungkook's deep laugh.

"It's ok, I took care of myself." The biker said with a giggle as he sat up in bed.

The image of Jungkook taking care of himself filled my mind and I covered my face with my hands.

Jungkook pulled my hands away and pecked me on the lips.

"How about we eat and do our homework together." the black-haired boy said to me.

I nodded with my flustered face.

Later on

I sat at my desk as I scribbled down the answers to the English question. I hear Jungkook let out a grunt as he lays on my bed. I could tell he was regretting the idea of doing homework. I let out a quiet giggle and went back to working. I was so focused at first, I didn't feel the hand lightly running up my arm. I flinch when I feel warm lips on my nape.

"Don't you giggle at me kitten." I felt his hot breath against my neck.

"I may not be good at homework." He slid is hand up my waist. "but I can show you what I'm really good at." The taller said.

I felt my cheeks heat up at the dirty words. I could feel his warm lips leaving kisses on the back on my neck.

I bite my lip to hold back my moans as he began to suck and bite. I knew he was leaving hickeys.

I squeaked when he lifted me up and sat me on my desk, he placed himself between my thighs. He looked into my blue eyes as he leaned forward and connected our lips. I rest my hands on his exposed chest. He still hasn't put a shirt on.

He deepened the kiss, I could feel the lust growing between us. I slid my small hand down his toned stomach. I slid my tongue into his mouth as I undid the button to his pants. I slowly slid my hand into his boxers. I jumped when the door bell rang. Jungkook growled.

"Ignore it." He said as he began to suck and bite on my neck. I was about to continue when the bell went off again.

"J-jungkook I need t-to see who it i-is." I say as I try to push him away but he wouldnt budge.

"P-please." I whimper out.

He lets me go and looks at me.

"Make it quick." Why was I was so turned on my that statement. I jumped off the desk and ran down stares almost falling on my way down. I opened the door and was met with the face of my best friend.

"H-hey baek." I say shyly as I realized I probably look like a hot needy mess. I saw his eyebrow raise as, he walked past me and into my house. Before I could stop him a voice yelled form the top of the steps.

"Kitten what is taking you so long." Jungkook says as he looks and me and then realizes that we weren't alone anymore.

"Oh it's you." The biker says with an annoyed voice, I could tell he was mad that we were interrupted.

"why the hell are you here" baekhyun said with attuited. He rested his hand on his hip.

"I could ask you the same thing." Jungkook said as he walked down the stairs. I watched as they both narrowed their eyes at each other.

"Did I interrupt you two" Baekhyun said as he rolled his eyes at the biker that was now in fount of him.

"no-" "yes." Jungkook and I spoke at the same time. Jungkook raised his eye brow at me as I looked down to hide my red cheeks.

Baekhyun walked over and sat down on couch.

"I- will go get you all something to d-drink." I stuttered out as I run off into the kitchen. As I make the drinks I can here Baekhyun talking. I sneak over and listen around the wall.

"I wont forgive you for hurting him." Baekhyun said.

"I dont expect you to, I havent even forgiven myself." I here Jungkook say.

"you will do it again, you will break him. Taehyung isn't someone you can just experiment with, he knows who he is and who he loves, and you cant just use him because your confused." I heard baekhyun say with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I wont break him." I heard the biker say with a serious tone.

"Pft thats what all you bikers say."

Before Jungkook could respond I walked in with the drinks. I sit the drinks down on the table and then sit next to baek on the couch. I looked over at Jungkook who was a crossed from me in the chair. The room was quiet, I nervously took a sip of my water.

"so Jungkook, what is your sexuality?" I choke on my water as I look wide eyed at my best friend.

I cleared my throat as I look down at my feet, I was scared to here Jungkook's response.

"well I was actually thinking about that. I have always liked girls, never once thought about liking a guy." I bit my lip at those words. I fiddled nervously with my finger.

"but when I kissed tae at the dinner that day, it lit a fire inside of me. it burned for more. I became addicted to him, he is all my body wanted. When a girl would kiss me it wasnt the same, yeah it was good but its not what I wanted, I wanted him, his lips, his body and blue eyes. I only wanted the taste of strawberrys." Baekhyun and I both looked wide eyed at the black haired biker as he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"so I guess Taehyung turned me bisexual." Jungkook said as he looked at me, he smiled with his white  teeth. I felt my cheeks burn up.

"I never thought I would here those words come out of the one and only jeon jungkooks mouth." Baekhyun said with a small smile.

I watched as baekhyun stood up.

"well im off to go make some bikers sexually frustrated, Ill leave you two alone." Baekhyun said with a smirk.

"see you later taetae." Baekhyun said as he ruffled my hair and headed to the door.

"bye jeon." My best friend said with a small smile before he walked out.

Jungkook stood up and so did I, I walked over to him quickly, I could feel my heart beating through my chest. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him softly. Our lips moved together slowly, we both took in each others taste.

"god youre so addicting." The biker says into the kiss. I giggle as he picks me up and carries me upstairs.

I cant believe the one and only jeon Jungkook, the most popular biker was changed by a shy and small beauty like me.

Sorry It took me so long to update, I have been writing a lot of ones for my oneshot book. (you all should definitely go read them) love ya <3

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