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Some stuff happened and I realized that I some reason forgot to upload this whole chapter lol sorryyyy,

Jungkooks POV

I sat in the principal's office. Taehyung to my left and Baekho to my right. We were being lectured for fighting. With the help of Taehyung, we got Baekho expelled, but I got a detention.

We walk out the office and head to the nurse's office. We walk in and no one was in their because it was lunch for the teachers.

"sit down." Taehyung says as he grabs the first aid kit.

I listened and sat down on the bed. He walks over and lightly grabs my chen and wipes the blood of my nose. I watch him, and he rubs the cream on the bridge of my noes and then put a bandage on it.

He finishes and sits be side me. He sighs and looks down, his blond locks cover his eyes.

"are you ok." I say as I look at him. he doesn't respond he just stays still. I here tiny sniffs.

I lightly grab his face and make him look at me, streaks of tears ran down his face. His blues as ere filled with tears.

"i-im sorry, i-im so sorry." He cries.

I felt my heart drop. I didn't know what to do so I pulled him into a hug.

"don't be sorry, its not your fault." I say as I rub his back.

I fill his hands wrap around me, he quietly cries into my cheats. I feel him sobs get lighter and he pulls away. He wipes his tears with the sleeves of his light blue shirt.

"does this happen a lot." I ask him.

He nods and sighs.

"but normally no one helps, they just watch." He says as he looks away.

I wanted to break everyone that laid a hand on him. how are people so mean.

"if anyone touches you come and tell me, I will break them." I say.

He smiles and nods.

"why are you so nice to me." He askes, his blue eyes looking at me.

"I don't know really." I say with a chuckle. Before I could speak I felt a familiar pare of lips on mine. I was surprised that he was kissing me, but I wasn't complaining. He moves his hands into my hair. I smile and deepen the kiss. We both jump when the bell rings. We both pull away and look at each other.

"shit." I say with a sigh, damn bell.

he giggles, and I smile at him.

"see you later kookie." Taehyung say before he walks out.

Did he just call me kookie? and why the fuck was it so cute. I laugh and walk out. What have gotten myself Into.

Sorry for the mess up, love ya <3

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