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Jungkooks POV

I opened my locker and put my books in it. i slammed it closed and sighed, I haven't seen Tae all day and it sucks. I need to see him.

I was awoken form my daze when I heard a small yell.

I looked over and saw Chanyeol push that one guy who was friends with Tae to the ground. Then I saw him, it was Taehyung.

He tried to stop Chanyeol form punching the brown-haired boy but it didn't stop the bikers fist from hitting they boy on the ground. Tae cried when Chanyeol nailed the boy in the stomach. I watched as Taehyung squeaked in fear as he yelled out the boy's name. Yunho. Taehyung pulled on Chanyeol's jacket to get him off Yunho. My eyes widened when I watched Chanyeol, my best friend, grab Tae and smash him into the wall. The hallways froze.

Once the wine of Tae's voice filled my ears I ran over and pushed Chanyeol off of him, I pulled the beauty behind me and blocked him from the black-haired man in front of me.

"What the hell Jeon." The taller spat out.

"I should be asking you the same damn thing." I narrowed my eyes at my best friend.

I could feel Taehyung's shaky hands on the back on my shirt.

"Pft go away Jeon, this isn't your business so stay out of it." The taller said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh big boy Yeolie thinks he can start bossing me around." I bark out at him.

He walks towards me, he stops right in front of me and narrows his eyes. I saw his arm tense up.

"Hit me Park, I dare you. Hit me." I growl out as I looked up at the boy I was raised with. I didn't recognize him.

"Fuck you." He mutters out and then walks away. I sigh as I watched his tall figure disappear.

I hear a small cry behind me and I turn to see Tae on the floor next to his friend.

"Yunho I'm so sorry, this is m-my fault, I-I should have done something." The beauty cried out. I watched as Yunho shook his head and smiled at the blond boy.

"You did nothing wrong and I'm glad you didn't help, I didn't want your pretty face to be bruised." the boy on the floor laughs out.

I let out a small growl, he's my pretty boy.

"Thank you yunyun."

"Anytime Tae but you should really be thanking Jungkook, if he didn't show up I don't know what would of happened to me." the brown haired boy says.

I look down and my eyes meet the blue ones I love. He smiles at me with his white teeth. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Kook could you please help me take him to the nurse." I nod and wrap Yunho's arm around my neck and we all walk to the nurse.


I watched as tae left the room to go grab some snacks. I sat in the chair next to the bed and looked over at the bandaged-up boy.

"What happened." I asked.

The brown-haired boy looked up at me and sighed.

"Well we were walking down the hallway and Chanyeol rammed into Tae and I told him to apologize and when he said no I called him a dick." Yunho let out a awkward laugh.

"You got some guts to say that to a biker." I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah I guess but I can't fight so it wasn't any good. I wish I could've helped Tae more." He said with a pout.

"Listen Yunho, next time something like that happens, I want you to come and get me ok, I will take care of it, so come and get me." I said as I looked him straight in the eyes so he knows I wasn't joking.

He nods quickly.

My eyes softened and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"But still, thanks for sticking up for him, if he took that hit it might of broken him." I say.

"No problem Jungkook." He says with a sweet smile.

I turned away and looked at the wall, maybe Yunho isn't so bad.

"I brought snacks hehe." The sweet voice of Tae fills my ears. I smile when I see his bright smile. He was feeling better. He blamed himself for the fight earlier and it really brought him down. I glad he was back to his cute and happy self.

As Tae and Yunho chatted, I sat there, deep in my thoughts. What am I going to do about Chanyeol. That wasn't my best friend, that wasn't the Yeol I was raised with. What is going on with him?

Sorry it's so short but it's finals and I'm trying to focus on studying. Love ya <3

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