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Taehyung slowly stroked the boys hair as they drifted off to sleep. Once he heard the small snoring of the little ones he quietly walked out of the room and shut the door. He made his way into the kitchen and began to wash the plates they used earlier.

He jumped when he felt a large hand grab his ass.

"Jungkook I swear-." He was cut off by the biker pressing his shirtless body against his from behind. The beauty was pinned between him and the counter.

Jungkook trapped his husband against the counter. He brought his lips close to the boy's neck and felt the blond shiver against him. He ran his lips against the soft skin of the beauty's neck.

"J-jungkook stop I have to d-do the dishes- Ah." Taehyung was cut off by the warm feeling of the bikers tongue on his sweet spot. He gripped the counter as pleasure shot through his body.

Jungkook slipped his hand under the boy's shirt and softly ran it up his body.

Taehyung let out a small whimper and leaned his head back to let the biker have more access to his neck.

The blond couldn't help but grind his ass back on the taller male behind him.

Jungkook lightly bit the blonde's shoulder as the sparks of pleasure shot up his dick.

Jungkook slide his hand down the boys stomach and down into his pajama pants.

Before Tae could protest he felt the large hand wrap around his member.

"A-ah k-kookie." The smaller moaned out quietly.

He leaned his head down and tried to quiet his moans.

"W-we can't do it I-in here, the b-boys will h-hear." Taehyung chokes out.

Jungkook moved back and licked his way back up to the blond boy's ear.

"They are sound asleep, the won't hear." Jungkook rasped into the smallers ear. He slowly licked the rim of his ear.

He removed his hand from the boy's member; he grabbed his waist and turned him around to face him, he leand closer and licked his husband's bottom lip.

"Come on kitten, it will be fun and exciting." The biker whispers, his breath ghosted across the boys lips.

"I didn't know I married a porn star." Tae giggled out and lightly hit the boys chest.

"You can't talk kitten, you're just as freaky as me. Don't forget that one time-" Taehyung quickly cut him off by smashing his lips into the others.

Jungkook giggled and kissed back roughly making the other boy moan into the kiss. He picked the blond boy up and sat him down on the counter, he moved between his small thighs. They didn't break the kiss once.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the other neck, he ran his fingers through the black locks of the boy he loved. He slowly roamed his hands down the boys shoulders, feeling his muscle underneath his finger tips. He ran his small hand down the thick inked biceps. He let the taller take full control of their lips and he slid his hand down to the boys ripped stomach that he loved so much, just seeing his husband shirtless was a turn on. The tattoos laced his sun kissed skin. Taehyung took in the feeling of the bikers abs, letting his finger tips run over each one slowly.

𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘴 (𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬)Where stories live. Discover now