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Jungkooks POV

I walked into my house and was greeted by my little brother Yeonjun.

"KOOKIE!!" He said as he ran and hugged me tightly.

"Hi bubby." I say as I hug be back tightly.

I pull away from him and ruffle his hair.

"Kookie dad is being mean, he won't let me get a tattoo." He says with a pout.

I laugh and look at my dad who rolls his eyes.

"because you're 6, you're way to young." My father says.

"But kookie you were 6 when you got your first one." Yeonjun argues.

"Well I wasn't a baby like you." I say with a giggle.

"Hey!" he says as he hits me and me and my dad laugh.

"You are your mama's boy, you are just like she was." My dad say with a weak smile.

I felt my heart ache a little. The room goes quiet. I shake my head and walk out of the room.

"Jungkook-" my dad says and I turn around.

"I'm ok dad." I say with a fake smile and walk up the stairs.

I walk up to my room and close my door. I walk over to my bed and plop down on it. I sighed and looked over at my desk, I smiled when I saw the picture of my mom and little me. she was hugging me around the waist and she rested her head on my head. She passed when I was 9 in a car accident, it broke me and my dad, before she died she left us with Yeonjun, he is the only thing of her we have left. She was amazing. Her smile was bright, and she was so beautiful, her blue eyes were birght and loving. The image of the specific beauty popped into my head. His bright smile, and his blue eyes. maybe that's why I think Tae is so pretty, he reminds me of mom. I smiled and ran my finger through my black locks. I smile and barred my face into my pillow. I let sleep take over.

I feel a weight on my chest, my eyes fly open and I'm greeted with bright blue eyes, blond fluffy hair and a beautiful face, Taehyung. I was confused at first, but I realized I was dreaming. I watched him rest his head on my chest, he looked at me through his long lashes. I smile and move my hand up to his face. I know it's a dream, but I can still enjoy it. He looks up and leans forward, as our lips were about to touch I woke up. my eyes meet blue eyes, but not the one I wanted.

"Get uppppp, you don't want to be late for school." Yeonjun say as he pushes on my chest. I roll my eyes and push him off me.

"Kookie why are your cheeks red. Where you dreaming about someone hehe." He says with a giggle.

I pick him up and carry him out of my room. He giggles as I put him down. I ruffle his hair and the I close my door. If he only knew.

I got dressed and headed down stars.

"Hey kook were is your black leather jacket." My dad asks with a raised eyebrow. I freeze, shit Tae has it still.

"um one friends has it, they got cold so I let them barrow it." I say as I look at him.

"Ah you lady killer, giving some girl your jacket, how sweet." My dad say as he hit me playfully.

"Yeah." I say with a fake laugh.

"Ok get out before you are late." He says and I nod.

"Don't get anyone pregnant." I hear my dad yell with a laugh. I roll my eyes and walk out and head to school.

I get there, and I walk to my locker. I smell the sent of strawberries and I know its him. I turn around and I say his name and we make eye contact, his blue eyes were bright but then I saw them dim. He looked away fast and kept walking. I was confused, normally he would smile back or wave, but he just looked away.

I thought he was just having a bad day but every time I saw him he would ignore me. I would approach him and he would walk away. I didn't know what I did wrong.

At lunch I was mad, I wanted to know why he wasn't talking to me. I sat at the table with a cigarette in my mouth. I inhaled the smoke and flared my nose as I blew it out.

"What the hell is wrong with you." I look up and saw Chanyeol, he sat down looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I glare at him and he shut up fast, everyone knows that when I'm in a bad mood it's not a good time to fuck with me.

Yoongi and Sehun walkover and asked Chanyeol what my problem was, and he just shrugged. I hear a familiar laugh and I look over to were it was coming from. I grit my teeth. I watched as Taehyung smiled as he sat next to some guy. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where he was from. I narrowed my eyes as I watch the beauty laugh and lay his head on the guys shoulder. His sweet giggles filled my head and I didn't like that he wasn't laughing because of me.

The bell rang, and it was brake. I lost him in the crowd of student. I walk out of the cafeteria and in to the hallway. All the student were already in their classes but I spotted Taehyung leaning against the lockers. I grunt and walk over, I had to know why he was ignoring me. as I approach him quickly he looks over and sees me, his eyes widen and he tries to walk away but I grab his arm and push him into the locker, I cage his head between my arms. Our faces were inches apart.

"Why are you avoiding me." I say with a deep voice.

I watch him shiver and he looked at me with his blue eyes. he quickly looked away. I grab his chin and make him look at me.

"Taehyung. Answer me." I say with a growl.

"N-nothing, its nothing." He says as he looks down.

I get closer, are noes almost touching.

"Don't lie to me." I say, I was getting angry.

"It's nothing Jungkook, now get off of me I'm busy." The beauty says as he tries to push me away, but I didn't budge.

"Busy doing what-" I was cut off.

"Tae there you are." I looked over and saw the tall boy from earlier, the one that Taehyung was laughing with.

I let out a 'tic' sound and removed my hands away from Taehyung's head. As soon as I did he moved away quickly, he wouldn't even look over at me.

"Tae are you ok, did he hurt you." The tall boy says as he walks over to Taehyung, lightly grabbing his head and made him look at him.

I let out a low growl, my body filled with rage. How dare this prick think I would ever harm Tae.

"I would never hurt-" I began to say but Taehyung cut me off.

"No yunho, I'm ok, I-I can take you on the tour now." Taehyung said weakly. He voice was shaky.

With that they began to walk away.

"Tae-" I say, trying to stop him.

He looks back with a blank face and then I watch him disappear around the corner. I grit my teeth and slam my fist into the locker. He was going to tell me sooner or later. I want to know what I did...

Well it's obvious that's yunho and jungkook aren't going to get along..... lol and yes I added yeonjun because he is adorable!!! And I thought he would be cute as kookies brother (he kinda is lol)
Love ya <3

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