
394 14 1

Jungkook POV

I sat on my bike on the top of the hill in the park. The sun began to set and the bright colors of pink, yellow and blue faded together making the sky look Ombre. I took a deep breath and inhaled the smells of fall. I looked at my watch and it said 7:05. I pulled out one of my cigarettes and grabbed my lighter. I put it in my mouth and lit it. I exhaled smoke through my noes as I sighed.

He is late, was he even coming?Did he get my note.?

I shook my head as I tried my best not to think about the worst.

I fell a small hand grab my arm and out of habit I raised my fist and turned around ready to punch whoever was behind me. I stopped when I saw the scared blond beauty shielding his face with his arms. I stop and drop my fist and reach out and grab his arms.

"holy shit I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you. Sorry it's just my reflexes." I say with worry.
I hear him let out a little giggle and the fear from his eyes fade and he smiles at me.

"it's ok, I should have said something." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.
We both got quite so I diced to brake the silence. I moved around so I was sitting backward on my bike and then I patted the spot in fount of me. He walked over and straddled the bike. I bit the inside of my cheek and my mind wondered, I wish he was straddling my lap.

"So why did you ask me to come here-" I watched as he finally noticed it, his eyes lit up when he saw the sunset.

I smiled as I watched him. His blue eyes were filled with the colors of the sunset.

"so pretty." He says still looking at the sky.

"just like you."
He looks over at me and I watch his cheek turn red and he looks away. I chuckle and lightly grab his face so he is looking at me.

"do you like the sunset." I say and he nods.

I smile and let go of his face. I look over at the sky as I take a puff of my cigarette. I exhale it through my nose.

"how do you smoke those, they smell bad." Taehyung asks.

"well it's not that bad, the felling is nice." I say as I take another puff.

I watch as he continues to watch me, his blue eyes watched the smoke flow out of my mouth.

"want to try." I say as I pull the cigarette out of my mouth.
I watch widen and he looked his eyes at me. I could tell he was thinking.

"I don't know if I should." He says as he bites his lip.

"you don't have to." I say as I smile at the thinking boy.
He looks around still thinking.

"let me try it." He says quietly. I let out a giggle and hand him the cigarette.
He takes is and looks at it for a second. He looks at me confused.

"put it between your lips and breath in." I giggle, he was like a little confused kitten.

He nods and put it between his pink lips, he breaths in and he intently chokes and starts coughing as he pulled the cigarette out of his lips quickly.
I let out a little giggle as I watch his cough.

"that w-was horrible." He chokes out as he looks up with tears in his eyes from all the coughing.

"well it's your first time so I expected it to be bad." I say as I whip the tears away from his cheeks.

"But you get used to it."
He looks at me with his teary eyes. His blue eyes made the tears look like a Kristal's.

"sorry cutie I should have warned you." I say.

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