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Taehyungs POV

I finished giving Yunho the tour and we walked of the school.

"Thanks, so much Tae." Yunho says with a sweet smile.

I smile and look at him.

"No problem, it was fun." I say as I giggle.

I notice that I left my books in my locker.

"Crap I forgot my stuff" I say.

"Do you want me to wait for you?" Yunho asked.

I smile and shake my head.

"its ok, I will see you later." I say as I wave and turn around and walk back into the school.

The school was quiet. Most of the staff left for the day. I walk into the small art room, it was dark, the only light source was the window. I jump when I hear the door slam behind me. I turn around and meet a pair of angry eyes. I froze when I saw Jungkook standing in front of the door. His dark brown eyes were narrowed at me. He was mad, really mad, I could see a hint of red in his eyes. I feel fear fill my body.

"Jungkook l-let me leave." I say as I tried my best not to stutter.

He narrows his eyes more.

"then tell me why your ignoring me." he says as he leans on the door.

I look away form his red angry eyes.

"nothing is w-wrong." I say, I bite my bottom lip to try and hold back my tears.

He lets out a 'tic' sound and looks at me.

"Then I guess we will be in here for a while." He says with a deep voice.

I look down and start to fiddle with the end of my sweater.

"p-please." I say softly, I didnt want to cry in front of him.

"why, so you can go be with you little boy friend?" he says with a growl.

I look up quickly, is he talking about Yunho?

"what?" I say

"That tall boy who was all over you earlier." He says.

"Yunho! There is nothing between us, hes just a friend." I say.

He lets out a laugh and rolls his eyes.

"yeah right, your letting him Fuck you, arent you?" He says with a raised eye brow.

I look at him shocked.

"no!" I yell at him.

I ball my fist, and bite my cheek.

"Why would you care, shouldn't you be fucking that one chick form the diner?" I yell.

He looks at me surprised.

"Im not going to be one for your toys Jungkook." I yell weekly, tears began to poor down my face.

His eyes were wide as he looked at me.

"Tae- "he says softly.

"God I'm so dumb, I knew I was just another one of your sluts." I cry out and I hit the desk next to me.

"I cant believe I thought we actually had something." I say with a laugh, tears run down my red cheeks.

The room went quiet. The only sound was my quiet sobs.

"Taehyung, I'm sorry." I hear him say weakly.

I look up at him, I could see the pain in his eyes. I wipe my tears and look away.

"I'm an asshole, trust me I know it, I messed up and I never meant to hurt you. Just please stop crying." He says softly. I look at him, his eyes were soft and filled with sorrow.

"I dont like seeing you cry. " He says as he looks down.

I bit my lip and Sat on the desk next to me. I watched as Jungkook walked over to me and sit next to me. He didn't make eye contact with me. I have never seen him act like this, so quiet.

"you can sleep with whoever you want- I"  I began to say.

"I don't want anyone but you." He cut me off, he looked down.

I sat there in shock for a moment, was I going crazy, did he just say that to me? My cheeks turn red.

I looked at him and he refused to make eye contact with me.

I lean closer to him, he finally looks at me. he was mad at himself, I could see it in his eyes. I push a piece of hair off his face. I lean closer and kiss him softly. I put my hand in his hair. I felt him kiss back softly. He lightly pulls me closer. The kiss was sweet and slow, our lips danced softly and slowly.

We both pull away. Our eyes met, his dark eyes werent sad anymore.

"You're way better than her Tae." He says softly as he caresses my cheek.

I blush and smile. He smiles and kisses my cheek. I smile and pull him into a hug.

He wraps his arms around me. I let his amazing smell fill my nose.

I hate to admit it but I missed this, I missed him.

This capture was a sad uwu lol, love ya <3

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