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Jungkook whined as a scratchy fabric rubbed against his arms, irritating the deep scratches. He desperately tried to push it away, but he couldn't move his hands. He opened his eyes and saw he had been swaddled in a baby blue blanket. A childish whine left the back of his throat. The boy tried to wiggle and squirm away from the scratchy blanket, but that resulted in his harshly rubbing the scratches into the mattress. Tears sprung from his eyes and leaped down his cheeks, leaving wet stains behind. He tried to keep his sobs quiet, but every time he took in a breath, the wounds were pushing into the harsh material.

"Oh, baby." Strong arms lifted him up and away from the bed. Large wooden bars caught the younger's attention. It wasn't a bed. It was a crib. He had been in a crib. The man rested the boy on his hip and gently bounced him. Jungkook's cuts grazed the material of his shirt, earning a new round of wails. The boy tried to pulls his arm away, accidentally elbowing the man in the process. The stranger looked down to scold him but saw the deep gashes running down his arm. He immediately set him down on the carpet. 

"Yoongi? Can you come here for a minute?" The pink-haired man shouted, causing Jungkook to jump at the noise. Jimin softly ran a hand through the younger boy's hair.

"Daddy's sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Daddy? What the fuck?  A man, probably named Yoongi, entered the room.

"I see our little boy's awake."

"Mhm. But he hurt his arms more than we thought. Could you get the medkit please?"

"Of course."  Why do I have to be here? Can't I just go home? Jungkook watched with wide eyes as Yoongi came back into the room, holding a small bag. Jungkook's anxiety had affected him more since his dad left. The betrayal left deep scars on his heart, preventing him from trusting anyone else.

As Yoongi approached them, Jungkook desperately tried to back away. Jimin's arms held him still.

"No, no-no. Let go! Can't..." He murmured, still trying to move away. Jimin seemed to hear him as he asked Yoongi to stop.

"I think it's too much for him, Yoon. He's worse than you were."

"Then I'll leave this here." Yoongi set down the bag and left the room. Still keeping one hand on Jungkook's shoulder, Jimin reached over and grabbed the bag. 

"Let's get you cleaned up, baby."

"I'm not a baby."

"I think you are, Jungkookie." Jimin applied an antiseptic to a cotton pad and slowly brought it to the younger's arm. As soon as Jungkook noticed, he desperately tried to yank his arm away.

"Uh, uh. We gotta clean them so you don't get sick."

"No, no, no. Please."

"I'm sorry baby. But we have to." Jimin gently pulled the boy into his lap, facing him. "Just for a second okay?" Jimin tried to keep the boy still as he quickly pressed the cotton pad down his arm. The poor boy in his lap struggled feebly against the older man, the muscle relaxants preventing his strength. Jimin quickly cleaned his other arm.

"There see? All done."

"No. No more."

"That's right. No more." Jimin took a roll of gauze. The second the gauze touched the wound, Jungkook jolted away, letting out a scream.

"Okay, baby. Daddy's sorry." He put the gauze away and lifted the younger boy back in his crib. 

"Wait a minute, okay baby boy? I'll be right back." Jimin left the nursery and walking into the living room.

"Is he okay? Why is he screaming?" Jimin sat next to Yoongi on the couch.

"The scratches are so sensitive I can't even wrap them. What are we supposed to do?"

"I guess we'll have to let them heal a bit before covering them. Now, you better go quiet him down before he makes himself sick."

"Why don't you do it?"

"Fine." Yoongi got up and tiptoed into the nursery.

"Hey, baby. It's okay, Appa's here." He slowly approached the crib and let the younger get used to his appearance before lifting him up. 

"Daddy told me your arms are still hurting," he sat in the rocking chair and placed him in his lap. "Can Appa see?" Jungkook tilted his head like a lost puppy.

"Appa?" He whispered. Yoongi smiled proudly.

"Yes, baby. Can Appa see your arms?" Jungkook looks at him apprehensively. Do I have to?  "I promise not to touch them." I don't really have a choice, do I?  He shyly held his arms out. Keeping his promise, 'Appa' didn't touch them.

"Poor baby. They look painful." Jungkook nodded his head.

"They hurt like a bitch."

"Hey now, little boy. You're too small to use bad words."

"Too small?"

"Yes, baby. You're too little." Jungkook pushed harshly against the older's chest.


"Shhhhh. I know it's scary but we wanna help you."

"No! Let me go! I wanna go home!"

"Baby. Both of us know you don't want to go back home." Jungkook's protests ceased as he looked up curiously. Yoongi paid his curiosity no mind and gently held the younger, steering clear of his arms.

"Now let's get you some food, hm?"

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