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Yoongi slid his hands behind Jungkook's back to take off his shirt.


"I know, I'll try and be quick." He hurriedly took off the younger's shirt and pants. Slipping his legs and arms into the onesie, he hurriedly zipped up the outfit trying to avoid a tantrum.

"There, all done! Now let's get you situated for a nap." Yoongi lifted Jungkook onto his hip and peeled back the blankets. He laid the little down onto the mattress and swaddled him in blankets. The older smoothed back Jungkook's bangs with his hand.

"You hungry? Want a bottle?" The younger shook his head.

"Okay," Yoongi kissed his forehead. "Now try to sleep. I'm sure all of this is exhausting you." 

Yoongi smiled softly and gently closed the bedroom door behind him.

"Did he go down?" Yoongi sat next to Jimin on the couch, switching on the T.V

"He's not sleeping yet. But he didn't fuss when I changed him, though I could tell he wanted to."

"Well, at least it's progress."

"Mhm. I think you should wake him up though when it's time. He should get used to both of us."

"He doesn't like me though," Jimin looked to the ground and lowered his head. "He always fusses for me."

"He still needs to spend time with you. Jungkook just needs to get used to how you do things."

"I guess."

"No, there's no guessing, okay? We'll get there."

"I hope so." Jimin sighed and rested his head on the older's shoulder.

"We will," Yoongi reassured him, leaving a kiss on the crown of his head.

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