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'Appa' takes a plastic bottle from the microwave and rests it against his wrist. After a moment, he carries Jungkook into the living room and sits down, laying the boy across his lap. Yoongi gently taps the nipple of the bottle against his bottom lip.

"Open up, little one." I'm not drinking out of that fucking thing. "Don't make this harder for us," the older warns, but Jungkook doesn't budge. Yoongi sighs, placing the bottle on the coffee table.

"You're going to be hungry, baby."

"I'm not your baby." Yoongi doesn't even act surprised at his outburst. He simply shifts his hold on the younger and begins to gently rub his stomach. 

"I know it's different." He whispers soothingly, hoping to calm the boy. "And I know you're scared. But you can trust us. We're not like your parents. I promise." Jungkook whines and pushes his hands away.

"Stop. I'm not scared."

"Shhhh. It's okay," Yoongi gently hushes the younger rocking him slightly. "It's okay to be scared. We'll make you feel better, I promise. But you have to work with us."


"And why not?"

"Don't want to."

"That's not a real answer, baby."

"Don't need you. I'm okay."

"Oh, baby." Yoongi kisses his forehead gently, ignoring the younger's protests. "You're not okay. The way you were treated was not okay. So we're gonna treat you better, Daddy and me." Jungkook pouted. Yoongi brought the bottle back to his lips.

"You must be hungry, baby." Jungkook turned his head away.

"Not baby." Yoongi sighed but put the bottle down. Jimin walked carefully into the room, not wanting to startle the younger and cause another panic attack. 

"Look, baby. Daddy's here." Jungkook's eyes flicked over to the other man. He watched cautiously as Jimin fiddled with the DVD player, putting in a Disney movie. Jimin walked slowly over to the pair, sitting next to them.

"Hi, lovely. Is it alright if I watch a movie with you guys?" Jimin's eyes shone with hope, wanting desperately for Jungkook to say yes. Finally, the little boy nodded timidly. Jimin smiled brightly and turned to the screen, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable. What if they kill me? Cut me into little bits and sell my bones online? Keep me here forever and never let me go? I don't want to be treated like a baby! I'm not drinking that fucking milk, I need solid food!  He hadn't realized he wasn't paying attention till a soft hand tapped his jaw. Yoongi felt the tough muscles pull and stretch as his teeth ground against each other.

"Don't do that, love. You'll hurt your teeth." Jungkook looks up.

"I don't think he knows he's doing it. It might just be a habit." Jimin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a binky. He holds it just in front of the younger's mouth. Jimin gently parts the younger's lips and sticks the material between them. Jungkook felt his teeth unwillingly open, inviting the rubber into his mouth. 

"Good boy." Jimin rubs his head proudly. Jungkook lets his head rest against Appa's chest, his heavy eyelids carrying him to sleep.

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